37 posts
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VBscript help needed for Blob area/size comparision
Steven Here is the situation. I have installed camera on tripod at certain foxed height. Taking picture of certain...
9 year 2 2452
VB script help needed [2]
Hello Steven I am trying to make a intelligent spray boom which spray only if it sees weeds. I used RGB filter the...
11 year 2 1988
Trying to quantify weeds out of field crop
Hello there I am trying to quantify weed population  in field. First image is raw image and second one i...
8 year 2 3285
Multi object tracking and triggering [2]
Here is the working vbscript It work amazingly great for multiblob tracking and triggering. I found very tricky to work with it....
11 year 12 4833
Laser 3D scanner for crop using RR
Hello there Do we have any module which allow me to to create a map of crop field with XY and Z axis? I want to us...
8 year 2 2767
Java help needed
Hello There I am trying to run following java code in Jscript to stitch video using video/camera but showing error...
8 year 2 2444
Interfacing 20kpps X-Y Galvo / Galvanometer scanner with Roborealm [2]
Hey guy I am new one here. I am wondering if it possible to interface 20kpps X-Y Galvo / Galvanometer scanner with...
12 year 2 2405
how to read I2C data in roborealm
I want to use TSL2561 light sensor with RR. How can I read its  I2C data in RR? Sensor has SDA and SCL pins. Can I use...
8 year 2 2350
How to align image pixels
Hi there I have 5 images capture using multispcetral camera at UAV. ie blue, green, red, NIR, and Red edge respect...
8 year 2 1842
how to access MicaSense multispectral Camera
Hi Steven I just bought a MicaSense multispectral camera which allow me to access its live view via serial pin or ...
8 year 2 1866
Help needed to debug vbscript loop running on pixels.
Hi Steven I am trying to build my own CNC. For that I want to run a loop on array of coordinates of bright pixels....
7 year 3 2118
Converting webcam into NDVI camera using VBScript
Hello There I am wondering if there is any way to convert a webcam into NDVI camera. I removed the filter from web...
11 year 4 2997
Camera support Needed
Hello Steven I am trying to access OmniVision's OV4682, a 4-megapixel RGB infrared (IR) single camera module.
8 year 3 2177
Automated mosaicing
Hello there I am looking for a solution that allow automated mosaicing of images using RR. For example, camera gra...
8 year 1 1830
Applying Green Fileter
Hello, We are trying to apply a Green Filter. After we change the pixels we don't see that reflected in the image....
8 year 2 2557
Access of milisecond
Hello there Can anybody tell how can I access millisecond in vb script module of Roborealm? or any technique to me...
5 year 6 2439
Multi object tracking and triggering [4]
Steven I am sending you two plot pictures of situation where I want to to target each green plant and trigger. My ...
11 year 12 4833
Access of milisecond [3]
Steven Thanks for update. I am even having issues with CLOCK_MILLIS variable. Am I doing it wrong?...
5 year 6 2439
Access of milisecond [5]
One more question. Neato control v1.8 application allow us to access all sensors of Neato Botvac D7. Will it be possible we can ...
5 year 6 2439
Robustness of RR in Industrial application [2]
1 Absolutely perfect. Memory leak o crash when mishandled. 2 Speed of processing depends upon how big image you ar...
5 year 3 3469

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