37 posts
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Interfacing 20kpps X-Y Galvo / Galvanometer scanner with Roborealm [2]
Hey guy I am new one here. I am wondering if it possible to interface 20kpps X-Y Galvo / Galvanometer scanner with...
11 year 2 2368
VB script help needed [2]
Hello Steven I am trying to make a intelligent spray boom which spray only if it sees weeds. I used RGB filter the...
11 year 2 1962
Converting webcam into NDVI camera using VBScript [3]
Steven Thanks! Is there any way we can filter RGB only then subtract it from raw image which has both IR + RGB, wh...
11 year 4 2968
Converting webcam into NDVI camera using VBScript
Hello There I am wondering if there is any way to convert a webcam into NDVI camera. I removed the filter from web...
11 year 4 2968
Multi object tracking and triggering [4]
Steven I am sending you two plot pictures of situation where I want to to target each green plant and trigger. My ...
11 year 12 4794
Multi object tracking and triggering [2]
Here is the working vbscript It work amazingly great for multiblob tracking and triggering. I found very tricky to work with it....
11 year 12 4794
Multi object tracking and triggering [12]
Steven Again, I am also looking for option how to get blob size of a particular blob which is under processing i.e...
11 year 12 4794
Multi object tracking and triggering [11]
Steven Thanks a lot for your help.Again, here I am sending you a robo file of situation where I want to process di...
11 year 12 4794
Multi object tracking and triggering [8]
Steven Thanks a lot for your help. Sorry I am bothering you again. objects/image will be subjected to change based...
11 year 12 4794
Multi object tracking and triggering [6]
Steven Thanks a lot for your help. It's a great software. Unfortunately vbscript you provided only track and trig...
11 year 12 4794
VBscript help needed for Blob area/size comparision
Steven Here is the situation. I have installed camera on tripod at certain foxed height. Taking picture of certain...
9 year 2 2419
Pothole detect [9]
I think if we can use line laser and then process that line made by laser on ground will be promising way to deal with this prob...
8 year 11 3787
Pothole detect [11]
Sure. assuming you have asphate road which is black in color or any line color which is visible red might not work on soil as so...
8 year 11 3787
Trying to quantify weeds out of field crop
Hello there I am trying to quantify weed population  in field. First image is raw image and second one i...
8 year 2 3244
Applying Green Fileter
Hello, We are trying to apply a Green Filter. After we change the pixels we don't see that reflected in the image....
8 year 2 2525
Laser 3D scanner for crop using RR
Hello there Do we have any module which allow me to to create a map of crop field with XY and Z axis? I want to us...
8 year 2 2725
Automated mosaicing
Hello there I am looking for a solution that allow automated mosaicing of images using RR. For example, camera gra...
8 year 1 1803
how to read I2C data in roborealm
I want to use TSL2561 light sensor with RR. How can I read its  I2C data in RR? Sensor has SDA and SCL pins. Can I use...
8 year 2 2317
How to align image pixels
Hi there I have 5 images capture using multispcetral camera at UAV. ie blue, green, red, NIR, and Red edge respect...
8 year 2 1818
how to access MicaSense multispectral Camera
Hi Steven I just bought a MicaSense multispectral camera which allow me to access its live view via serial pin or ...
8 year 2 1838

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