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AVM Navigator variables [8]
this might be a question for the navigator creator does different light levels (lux) or different types of lights ... |
13 year | 22 | 6564 |
about using many modules [2]
looking at using a few modules and making robo files how do i use like follow red object,then irobot ro... |
14 year | 4 | 3397 |
about using many modules [4]
i think it does but lets i want to have object recognition,then later on want navigation module,then latter on ano... |
14 year | 4 | 3397 |
Arduino module? [9]
thanks alot STEVEN ,will try that ,good idea arduino is easy to learn... |
14 year | 8 | 4760 |
Arduino module? [7]
thanks Steven,only board i have is UNO and MEGA but MEL from leaf groups asked me about DUEMILANOVA board to help ... |
14 year | 8 | 4760 |
Arduino module? [5]
i see there is 2 boards DIECIMLA BOARD AND THE ONE YOU REFERENCE TO DUEMILANOVE,so Steven what sketch do i use with both boards... |
14 year | 8 | 4760 |
Arduino module? [4]
Steven,what arduino board does the arduino module use it says UNO and MEGA BOARD,so i guess both of thenm using th... |
14 year | 8 | 4760 |
Roomba Discovery Sensors [8]
also Steven do i need to turn on roomba (power button) irobot create module works no problem i have ... |
14 year | 11 | 4937 |
Roomba Discovery Sensors [6]
also Steven this might be for you ,besides irobot module,i guess i need variables module and leaf API for roomba to work with LE... |
14 year | 11 | 4937 |
Roomba Discovery Sensors [5]
Ben or Steven how do you get yours to work.mine works great with SCI tester and ROOMBA STATUS ,so the cable is goo... |
14 year | 11 | 4937 |
Roomba Discovery Sensors [11]
trying to try setting variables lets say right motor variable right motor then in value [right_motor] | 14 year | 11 | 4937 |
Roomba Discovery Sensors [10]
i did that doesnt work,do i need to set variables like to test a few functions without using a very long cord,unti... |
14 year | 11 | 4937 |
Arduino 2560 [5]
CHRIS this may work,disconnect the MEGA board and start roborealm,then open the arduino robo file,it should open o... |
14 year | 5 | 2796 |
Ping Ultrasonic Sensor / Arduino / Serial [3]
also want to use SR04 sonar with UNO board,i know sketch pad needs to be changed STEVEN any ideas how to do it,not... |
14 year | 5 | 6694 |
Ping Ultrasonic Sensor / Arduino / Serial [5]
oh,didnt see that ,will look at the sketch code,thanks Steven... |
14 year | 5 | 6694 |
i have 2 projects for a board i just got, my problem Steven is this,can i use sonars using digital I/O PINS and AD... |
14 year | 5 | 4669 |
Steven, any chance soon having a module for the arduino board looks kinda simple since SOR AXON board is close to ... |
14 year | 5 | 4669 |
about using the mcu communicator [4]
most laser units are more then twice that much $1000 or more ,also on many forums kinect is not that great for tracking,mostly o... |
14 year | 6 | 5827 |
about using the mcu communicator [7]
STEVEN here is a better site for all API COMMANDS and alot more info on boards and LIDAR sensor,should make you j... |
14 year | 6 | 5827 |
about using the mcu communicator [2]
looking to use the communicator for a atmel AT91SAM9XE128-QU its the one on NEATO XV -11 robot to control on-board... |
14 year | 6 | 5827 |
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