71 posts
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about the RPLIDAR
will it work with the neato lidar since its almost the same one or will you make a interface for it...
10 year 4 2675
about the RPLIDAR [3]
Steven i sell neato lidars and the python is same as Rplidar so it should work will check in week o...
10 year 4 2675
what happen about the interface to EZ-ROBOT BOARD [3]
any update on this Steven...
12 year 3 2296
what happen about the interface to EZ-ROBOT BOARD [2]
Steven what happen about adding the EZ-ROBOT BOARD TO ROBOREALM...
12 year 3 2296
about a new module [4]
thanks Steven,mostlikely its comming from canada as soon as the module is made will buy another year of roborealm ...
12 year 3 2058
about a new module [2]
Steven do you when you will be able to have the EZ-ROBOT board interface for roborealm...
12 year 3 2058
what will EZ-ROBOT module come out [7]
STEVEN i have 5 ez-robot boards if you need to borrow one  for testing...
12 year 7 2432
what will EZ-ROBOT module come out [5]
YES i know it as a API still needs a interface to control in  roborealm...
12 year 7 2432
what will EZ-ROBOT module come out [2]
Steven when will the EZ-ROBOT board interface come out its a great board for robotics ,uses bluetooth or usb-ttl i...
12 year 7 2432
about the sparkfun arduino board [5]
also i think any ARDUINO UNO BOARD WILL WORK ,only i dont know about the new chip design in the ARDUINO UNO board ,thats the big...
13 year 5 2778
about the sparkfun arduino board [4]
its not about the ARDUINO MENU its roborealm menu if will work with the new ARDUINO...
13 year 5 2778
about the sparkfun arduino board [2]
about the sparkfun uno arduino board,i have 2 questions about it ,will the code work for the new version with UNO R3 IT USES THE...
13 year 5 2778
about a new module [4]
thats great Steven getting the board in this saterday and got the camera in a few days ago,2.4 mhz with usb receiv...
13 year 3 2321
about a new module [2]
Steven have you look at DJSURES EZ-ROBOT to interface with roborealm ,boards look good with wireless web camera ,voice recogniti...
13 year 3 2321
Parrot AR Drone [4]
yea,be cool if Steven can build a module for it.i also have one that i use my IPOD touch to control it,it has 2 camera's...
13 year 18 6952
AVM Navigator variables [14]
also other problem using IR camera is you need a seperate interface to usb if you are using onboard pc ,or get IR ...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [13]
problem with that is i would need 2 types of camera,s one for faces witch works very well and one for navigation,with my design ...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [18]
so i need a different software for object detection with colour sentisight does have many variables in its SDK FOR...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [11]
it looks like it will take up resources and slow it down some,since LUX levels changes from room to room ,but mostly outside wil...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [8]
this might be a question for the navigator creator does different light levels (lux) or different types of lights ...
13 year 22 6553

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