5045 threads
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Fiducial array with two fiducials - issue
I am attempting to read the array variables from the fiducial array module. When a single fiducial is present, the...
8 year 6 2739
Defect Rubber
Hi Steven, I can not point out the defects in the central part of the rubber. I also have problems with the form c...
8 year 6 3165
Mr STeven,                  &...
8 year 6 2404
automatic image calibration parameters
I want to do automatic calibration in one script, and then load these calibration parameters and warp images when I run another ...
7 year 6 2845
Camera Support
I am working on applications that involve primarily processing of a single static image.  Typically, the items of inte...
7 year 6 1786
Image Comparison
Hello, I have a folder containing 42 different templates, and another folder with 42 images in the same order and...
7 year 6 2800
Run without GUI
Hello, I have created a .robo program, but now I want to run the program without the GUI open, I thought I would ...
7 year 6 2153
Finding Coordinates on Feature of Blob
I have recently started using your software and would like to find the exact point that the two points of a corn ...
7 year 6 2054
Obstacle avoidance
Hi, Im unable to solve this type obstacle avoidance; Kindly can you share the idea to make the rob...
7 year 6 2124
RR Unstable During Tab Calls
Hi, I created a RR script (including one Main and four Tabs) to process several images.  ...
7 year 6 2461
Running more than one instance of roborealm
Hello, I am trying to do folder comparisons as soon as the image collection is complete, I have a working robofile that starts p...
7 year 6 2131
Access of milisecond
Hello there Can anybody tell how can I access millisecond in vb script module of Roborealm? or any technique to me...
5 year 6 2238
RTSP video image in RoboRealm
Hello, I am developing an autonomous mode for the FRC off-season that would have vision targeting u...
11 year 5 3586
Fiducial Orientation.
Hi, We are testing RR (v 2.50.31) for fiducial recognition and we have a problem with the Orientati...
11 year 5 3654
Xtion shows artifact in line mode
I have an Xtion Pro Live running in roborealm 320x240, line mode with the max min set at 61, 59. No matter where t...
11 year 5 3487
Conect Microsoft Kinect to RoboRealm?
Hi, I'm new using RoboRealm. I try to conect Microsoft Kinect to RoboRealm, but  I have ...
10 year 5 3220
input bounding box data to avm
Hi, Is it possible to send the bounding box data to avm using the vb script module so that the init...
10 year 5 2716
Sending characters
I've been reading on serial commands, and while what I want to do is simple, I'm battling to do it RR, but I'm...
10 year 5 1910
work with 3 different colors with variables...
10 year 5 2753
Oculus Rift
Hello everyone and STeven, I am wondering how RoboRealm might handle displaying a video feed for th...
10 year 5 1701

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