5045 threads
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Help button in module shape matching not linked
should land here: http://www.roborealm.com...
9 year 1 1609
Multiple Running Instances
Hello STeven, I'm not able run second copy of RR on my desktop. Checkbox in Option/Application for ...
9 year 3 1562
Add grainy look to image
We emulate a dust storm on Mars and would like to add a grainy look to an image.  Something similar to doing the rever...
9 year 4 2373
Bug in Python 2.x script implementation?
Hi Steve, not sure whether this is a bug or a feature, example attached: If you print a very long s...
9 year 4 1669
temperature sensor
First time user, really newb question. I currently setting up an HVAC system, im trying to convert temperature sensor info. I ha...
9 year 2 2599
Roborealm for counting
Hello! I'd like to know, is it possible with your software to count the quantity of pieces from those kind of images as attache...
9 year 5 2909
Another way to crash Python 2.x script implementation?
In python, it is possible to create lists with mixed types (int, str), but I think  trying to transfer such a with rr....
9 year 3 1815
EZB_Variables broken
STeven It seems since the latest version of EZ-Builder the EZB_Variables module no longer sends var...
9 year 7 1740
Getting started
Please ignore that I have selected "hand gestures". There is no option available for the simple problem I cannot solve.
9 year 3 2683
Serial Module skips/sends/returns wrong data
Greetings STeven! Thank you for this impressive software. I am trying to identify and sort various ...
9 year 4 3384
How to add a red tinge to an image
Is there a module that will allow us to add a red tinge to an image.  I would like to simulate as close as possible a ...
9 year 2 2319
TCP/IP Modbus Connection
Hello, I am trying to connect a Universal Robot to Roborealm through the ethernet connector which uses the TCP/IP ...
9 year 21 6665
Finding small objects in grass
Hi STeven, I have attached a .robo file that includes a picture of a grassy lawn with two objects s...
9 year 5 2999
My nxt brick is currently running the robotC firmware on it, this is different from the nxt firmware that comes out of the box. ...
9 year 2 3463
Crash Reporting on Each Startup
Whenever I open v2.67.4, I see a prompt to send a crash report, although no crash had occured.  Maybe a crash indicato...
9 year 2 1817
When I try to activate the MCU module RR all but locks up.  Frame rate drops to <1 fps.  Am I doing somet...
9 year 8 2702
leapmotion sensor ?
Hi all, It's suprising none have said a word on the leapmotion sensor yet in the forum !?
9 year 2 1597
How to execute/run a robo file
Hello, How do I execute a"robo" file after it has been configured with different modules in the Rob...
9 year 2 1606
Time with no camera
I am using RR without a camera, but in this case the IMAGE_DATETIME does not update.
9 year 8 2321
how to use gpu for accelerate the recognition process
hi there do someone know a way to use gpu(videocard) for accelerating the efficiency of roborealm.i think there is a way with cu...
9 year 4 2272

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