1530 posts
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USB Port / RoboRealm Module [4]
Joe, We downloaded the latest libs from Phidgets and recompiled using those. Can you download the l...
9 year 7 2732
serial communoication [2]
Hi, You will not be able to user the serial module to grab that much information ... or at least no...
9 year 2 1718
Blob Recognition [2]
Saby, Thanks for the images. We found a couple GUI issues in that module and have fixed those. If y...
9 year 2 2496
Lego NXT module - where has it gone? [2]
Col, I think you downloaded the 64 bit version which cannot work with the NXT drivers. Please downl...
9 year 3 1726
openni2 module missing [2]
Dave, Its been corrected in later versions but the empty popup message typically indicated missing ...
9 year 3 1697
navigation by computer vision [22]
You would have to use different parts of the detected road to determine different factors. For example, you would look at the mi...
9 year 27 5418
navigation by computer vision [20]
Hemant, Detecting the road with Canny works but you will have a lot of other non-road detection. Th...
9 year 27 5418
navigation by computer vision [5]
Your robofile looks about right. You may need a newline after the move command in the serial module. So that would be more like ...
9 year 27 5418
navigation by computer vision [7]
Hemant, That's certainly possible but you will have to record some video to test. Any vision projec...
9 year 27 5418
navigation by computer vision [2]
What serial protocol are you using? I.e. what commands (like 'f' for forward, 'b' for back) do you need to send over serial?
9 year 27 5418
navigation by computer vision [16]
We're not aware of any good economical stereo cameras. Typically we just purchase two reasonably good quality cameras and mount ...
9 year 27 5418
navigation by computer vision [27]
Hemant, 1. You may find ...
9 year 27 5418
navigation by computer vision [9]
Arvind, If you are looking for neural network based learning packages you may be better off with a ...
9 year 27 5418
navigation by computer vision [14]
Arvind, "I  can get distance or depth of any object  in order to avoid collisio...
9 year 27 5418
navigation by computer vision [18]
Hemant, In theory that is a 1394 camera. If you don't have one of those firewire ports on your mach...
9 year 27 5418
Image analysis for timer application [2]
Travis, Thanks for posting the image. While I think it is possible to come up with a solution using...
9 year 2 1786
line [4]
Ok, thanks for the clarification, it pays to be very specific when asking questions. Perhaps the following will give you an exam...
9 year 4 2486
line [2]
Fernando, I'm not 100% sure what you are asking. If you had an example image that might be easier t...
9 year 4 2486
cScript [2]
Fernando, This can be done in the cscript module (or VBScript or Python or Jscript modules). You wo...
9 year 2 2390
Faceless Function [4]
Bob, There was a mistake in the RR_COM_DLL activeX object that interfaces with VB. The actual routi...
9 year 4 2305

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