1530 posts
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Defect Rubber [2]
Giuseppe, First off it looks like the focus on those images is a bit off. You may want to tweak the...
8 year 6 3148
Defect Rubber [6]
Giuseppe, Unfortunately we don't have a solution for your images. There is some additional experime...
8 year 6 3148
How do I activate my license? [2]
If you had activated it you should have received a download url based on that code. It might still be in the email box of whomev...
8 year 3 1589
Windows 10 Compatibility [2]
Yes, it should run just fine on Win8 and Win10. STeven....
8 year 2 1911
cScript [2]
I'm assuming you are using the Path_Planning module, as one of the outputs you have PLAN_ORIENTATION which is the direction/angl...
8 year 2 2001
Counting bread [4]
Peter, It will be very difficult to count the individual break loafs since they are not very discre...
8 year 4 1636
Counting bread [2]
Peter, Do you want to count each bucket of bread (relatively easy) or the individual break loafs in...
8 year 4 1636
OCR is not working on my machine or I'm doing something wrong? [2]
White is on, black is off ... other apps will switch this logic so it can get confusing. In other w...
8 year 3 2698
coin sorting based on shiny or not [2]
Peter, Yes, this is possible. There may be a limitation on what types of coins you can process sinc...
8 year 2 1643
Roborealm wth Flir one Android camera to detect IR signatures [2]
Mark, If you can get the FLIR image into a PC, then yes, it is possible to do. A FLIR image is esse...
8 year 2 1562
importing variables into roborealm [15]
The Execute module wasn't written to accept input not immediately available (such as a person typing in a response). We've re-or...
8 year 14 2578
importing variables into roborealm [10]
Can you check quickly what happens when you select the "wait for program exit" on the second execute? You have it on the first b...
8 year 14 2578
importing variables into roborealm [5]
Make that print '1\r\n' based on the receive sequence (forgot the newl...
8 year 14 2578
importing variables into roborealm [4]
Yes, you can use 'print 1' or 'print 2' in your app to output text that then gets stored in the variable ... give it a try!
8 year 14 2578
importing variables into roborealm [2]
If you read the docs at ...
8 year 14 2578
importing variables into roborealm [8]
The order of the modules is relevant ... I can't tell if that is your issue unless you post your robofile. Its also possible som...
8 year 14 2578
Socket Server [11]
Wongfeirang, Thanks for the screenshots. That helped direct us to the appropriate area. I had thoug...
8 year 15 3363
Socket Server [8]
We're having problems replicating your issue. If you try the following python script on another machine do you see the same beha...
8 year 15 3363
Socket Server [9]
Were you able to replicate our results? Did you find any additional configuration that could be done to the PIC ethernet module ...
8 year 15 3363
Socket Server [5]
Wongfeirang, Do you notice that sometimes it switches the data and sometimes not? Or does it always...
8 year 15 3363

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