How do I activate my license?
9 year
I have a license key from FIRST Robotics last year, but I don't know how to activate it.

I had this program working last year but I lost it after refreshing my PC.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year
If you had activated it you should have received a download url based on that code. It might still be in the email box of whomever activated it. If you send me a personal email using the site contact form with your team number I can tell you who registered it last year.

If you have lost this link or didn't activate it, I'd recommend just downloading the trial version and use that until Dec. We are working with FIRST to make the codes available for next season available on Dec 10th. The trial is 30 days that will just expire before that.

Anonymous 9 year
I'm the one who activated it last year, and I looked through all my emails and can't find the link.
I've activated the trial version already, so I'll just use that for now.


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