1530 posts
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counting screws [2]
There are many ways ... perhaps you can be more specific. For example see the attached. STeven....
10 year 2 2586
Md49 integration and linux [2]
Zippo, As mentioned via email, a test MD49 controller is now present and worth testing. Also for th...
10 year 2 3531
Blob reduction [2]
Dawson, Not sure what you mean but perhaps the Blob_Colorize module is what you are looking for?
10 year 3 2429
RR for Line tracking [2]
Check the tutorials ... specifically ...
10 year 2 2303
repeating [2]
Roland, Whenever a SetTimedVariable function is called it will overwrite the previous timing. So if...
10 year 4 1707
repeating [4]
Roland, We reduced the size of the watch variables a bit to allow for more dense viewing but we are...
10 year 4 1707
Hough Transform - Angles [2]
Thanks for your notes. There were a couple issues that we resolved with the latest version (just uploaded). Can you download tha...
10 year 2 2285
reloading file [2]
Roland, You'll not get a stack overflow loading a file that is running. When a load request is rec...
10 year 2 1605
aperture [2]
Sounds like you are looking for a custom mask in paint and then apply that to the image. You can us...
10 year 2 2292
looking for screws [2]
Yes, just count the number of circles. See attached. STeven. ...
10 year 2 2365
Full screen toggle [2]
Are you running the Kiosk mode also in full screen? Would this just necessitate changing the image?
10 year 2 1604
Displaying variables [2]
You should avoid using non alpha numeric characters (besides _) in variable names. What is happening in your case is the system ...
10 year 3 2370
Nearest blob [3]
Dawson, Can you provide some context? For example, you have obviously tried something that was usin...
10 year 11 2397
Nearest blob [10]
I get the green blob as the nearest to that point in 2.56.26 using the attached robofile. Perhaps the version wasn't quite up w...
10 year 11 2397
Nearest blob [8]
Can you post the I.gif image too so that we can actually test what you are trying to do? I'm not s...
10 year 11 2397
Nearest blob [6]
Ok, give the latest version a try. It has that checkbox to switch from COG to a perimeter distance from an X,Y point. Hope this ...
10 year 11 2397
Certainty [4]
Roland, What we normally do in these kinds of circumstances is to wait until the image is stable .....
10 year 4 2599
Certainty [2]
Roland, I'm not sure I understand what you are asking for? Perhaps you are looking for the Filter ...
10 year 4 2599
Cursor hide [2]
Nope, there isn't a method to hide the mouse. Does setting it to a really large value work to hide it?
10 year 3 2358
moving dancer [5]
Do you have a sample of your video that you can post? If the red tracking didn't work, perhaps the...
10 year 10 2155

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