83 posts
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No Title [2]
Hi STeven & NairB I was at NairB's cam just a little bit ago and still the same thing .42 fps, 30K...
16 year 1 2739
Suggestion to FTP uploading. [2]
Hi STeven! I think it would be a good idea (if it's not already there and I missed it), if wheneve...
16 year 1 2218
No Title [2]
I just installed the latest version again trying to get a little more fps out of it by trying to adjust the "quality" from bes...
16 year 1 2717
No Title [2]
Sorry..... this should have been posted under "Strange findings, any suggestions what to look for?"
17 year 2 2730
No Title
Ok, I think I'm on to something here........ and so far its not looking to bad... as of yet, within the last few minutes. ...
17 year 2 2730
Anyone Else Using Logitech Orbit MP With RoboRealm?
I was wondering if anyone else has been tinkering around with RoboRealm and the Logitech Orbit MP? Any one who is interested in ...
17 year 2 2587
Logitech Orbit [2]
Hi!  I haven't used RoboRealm now for a while and decided to update the software After doing this and try running Rob...
16 year 2 2079
Was wondering if there is a way to log all "IP" addrsses that cinnect to the server when running. Nicer still would be if it s...
17 year 2 1918
Display text [2]
Hi Steven! I was messing around with RoboRealm and I see (what is it a module)? I was trying to use...
16 year 3 2819
FTPing [4]
Hi STeven, Bad new's, still no go. Everytime I try one of the newer version's I lose control of t...
16 year 3 2313
FTPing [2]
Hi STeven, Was wondeing how you made out on the FTP feature of RoboRealm? I just don't want to ins...
16 year 3 2313
Student License [3]
Yeah, to expensive for my pockets when your on disability and use it just to run a webcam. Maybe they should come out with a lim...
15 year 3 2701
Display text [4]
Ok STeven, I'm all clear on that now. Thanks! Dave
16 year 3 2819
Philips Webcam alternative [3]
I have the same camera and when I install the software for it, there is a little icon (of a camera?) down on the right corner of...
16 year 4 3592
Error? How to fix? [4]
Hi les6772! (again),     After doing somer messing around on the two computers ...
17 year 6 2980
Error? How to fix? [3]
Hi les6772!     I just ran across this program a few day's ago and really don\...
17 year 6 2980
Error? How to fix?
I'm running RoboRealm to control a Logitech Orbit MP webcam and on the website page as well as when editing the webpage with Fr...
17 year 6 2980
Error? How to fix? [6]
Hi les6772!    Yes I think that would make a big difference being it had to process a muc...
17 year 6 2980
Password [5]
After posting the last message I tried something different with no luck. I did notice though that the "controls" work when acc...
16 year 8 2323
Password [4]
Hi STeven! I'm still using IE 6. The only thing that I have updated since the password did work wa...
16 year 8 2323

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