Error? How to fix? Dave from United States [84 posts] |
16 year
I'm running RoboRealm to control a Logitech Orbit MP webcam and on the website page as well as when editing the webpage with Front page, I keep getting this error in the code that is shown to use with the Orbit MP. This is what it say's:
Line 100:
Char: 4
Error: Expected "[" (I think thats the right char.)
Code: 0
Any info on how to correct this error in the code? You can view the page at
I just hate seeing a page with an error that should be corrected.
RNA LABS Les Fortner from United States [15 posts] |
16 year
Hey Dave, We are also use a MP camera I do not use it with the web server as of yet, but I am interested in your work. Do you ever try to track objects, or is it strictly for web based applications? We have also been having a slight issue with FPS... Our project is running on a 1.2 Ghz laptop, with 752 megs of mem, and still getting only approx. 7.4 FPS. (with only RR active) I am not really sure why, but am working on it. If I come up with any ideas, I will let you know.
Have Fun with it, and keep exploring!
Dave from United States [84 posts] |
16 year
Hi les6772!
I just ran across this program a few day's ago and really don't know anything about writing code execpt for basic about 25 years ago. I'm running RoboRealm on a 2 gh computer with 1 gig of memory. I also had it running for a few days on 2 gh computer with only 512 mb of memory and it seemd to work fine on both. Actually both computers were runnig RoboRealm and Windows Media Encoder at the same time with no problems at all.
My Orbit MP was putting out 30 fps on both computers which I though was to fast being you can't send 30 fps over the internet anyway's being its not really streaming but jpg images sent really fast to make it look like video.
On the video set up on RoboRealm I changed the video format from 24 bit to I420 which looks like its uses less bites per image which I was thinking would mean a faster video over the internet, being the image is smaller then the 24 bit image. I also slowed down the from rate on the same "video format" setting to 10 fps from 30 fps. Again I see no reason to try and pump out 30 fps when you can't actually use them. 10 fps seems to work pretty good with smooth motion in the preview widow. I dropped down to 5 fps but the video in the preview window looks kind of slugglish or lagging so I stuck with 10 fps.
I did notice on the other computer if I left the program run for a long time the video in the preview window got "jerky". This might have been because of only having 512 mb of memory and 3 different programs running on that same computer constantly, RoboRealm, Media Encoder, and my Chat Box program. I really didn't do a lot of messing around with RoboRealm on the computer but if I remember correctly if I stop the program and restarted it, it would run fine again. I also think if I stopped the Media Encoder the video in the preview window of RoboRealm would speed back up. So this could be a memory problem on this computer with only 512 mb of memory and running the three programs for long periods.
Once I get that "error" corrected I plan to run it on the other computer again to look into that problem a little more. Hope this gave you a little help.
Dave from United States [84 posts] |
16 year
Hi les6772! (again),
After doing somer messing around on the two computers here I did find some differences RR peforms. On this computer I'm running now its a 2 Ghz CPU with 1 Gig of memory. When running RR on it, it will use about 10% of the CPU and about 19kb of memory. This is a AMD CPU, and the fps is 30 to 31 fps which I back down to 10 fps.
On the other computer which is also a 2 Ghz CPU with 512 mb of memory, when RR is running on it, it uses about 25% of the CPU and about 16kb of memory. This computer has an Intel CPU in it. Why the difference I don't know.
I should try it on my laptop which has a 2 Ghz and two Gigs of memory. It has the AMD duel core CPU in it so I'm wondering what the numbers would be with RR running on it. The two computers above are running Windows XP Pro while the laptop is running Windows Vista Home Premium.
I was wrong about the 30 fps on the computer with the 512 mb of memory, I'm getting about 17 fps which goes up to a little better then 23 fps when I shut Windows Media Enconder down. When Media Encoder first starts it gets as low as 12 fps until when fist started then levels out at about 17 fps.
So memory probably does play a part in it as well as maybe the way Intel and AMD handle the processes. Also I'd be sure to check what all might be running in the background such as virus scanners, firewalls, etc. I always figure anything that "isn't really" needed shut it down. I'd also check on task manager for any programs you might have running that slowly eat up memory, I see this happen a lot with programs, they start out not bad but check back later and they ate up a lot of memory, which you probably already knew all this. I would like to know what CPU is in your laptop and check how much of the CPU is being used with RR.
Although both of these computers have a 2 Ghz CPU, the one runs circles around the Intel CPU. Although this one has twich the memory 1 Gig vs 512 MB, it still seems to fast to be just a memory thing, though I'm sure it helps.
RNA LABS Les Fortner from United States [15 posts] |
16 year
Thanks again dave for the info, and I think that part of my problem was image size, and quality. it was sucking 90% of my cpu at 640x480, but the processor was only a Intel Celeron, and only running at 1.2 Ghz. Once I collapsed the image quality, it has been much smoother however, now all of the script that was using for centering the images are hosed... I need to do a little more calculations, to come up with the best resolution, versus the processing...
Thanks for the info!
Dave from United States [84 posts] |
16 year
Hi les6772!
Yes I think that would make a big difference being it had to process a much bigger image. I do a lot of encoding movies and a small size video like 352x240 take about 25 minutes where a large video format like 640x420 takes like an hour and 45 minutes. I had to redo my whole page and I think because of all the "cut and pasting" everything was just a mess and I think "tags" were in the wrong place etc., which caused a lot of problems. So for now I just got the video in the center of the page and just one link back to the main page.
I to have a lot of work to do, look things up and try to get things in order, I just have to figure what goes where and what I can and cannot do.
Well good luck with your project!