Logitech Orbit
Dave from United States  [84 posts]
16 year
Hi!  I haven't used RoboRealm now for a while and decided to update the software After doing this and try running RoboRealm I get the message "Could not find function entry point in hooks.dll. Do you have the right dll installed?" This is in version Also where it lists the camers to choose from, after choosing the Logitech, the buttons below it are non-functional, then all the camers listed in the box vanish all together.

I had this probelm one time before but I forget what it was I had to do to correct it. When to main screen opens up in one version, RoboReam automatically shuts down and IE7 says they was a prorblem with and shuts down. In an earlier version (like the programs loads with a black screen where the videw windo is. You can still pan/tilt the camer, just no video in the window? Any suggestions? I tried reinstalling RoboRealm a few times with out any success as well as the camera drivers, still have the same problem.

Anonymous 16 year

Wow, sounds like you're having quite a time getting things up and running. What OS are you using?

To stop the hooks.dll try copying all *.dll file in the RoboRealm folder to the


folder. This should help windows find those files.

See if that does the trick and let us know if the video camera issues still exist. If they do, select the camera and then press ok and exit RoboRealm. Restart and see if the buttons are now enabled. Connecting to a camera using the dialog sometimes fails so restarting helps to clear any issues from prior connections.


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