32 posts
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Target for multiple object whit same color [3]
Thx for the quick answer this was very useful. RR as lots of parts and its difficult to test everything. Two more...
17 year 4 2570
Framerate issues while object tracking [2]
I have the same board (1GB DDR2 677mhz) and have suffer the same problem, but not that low FPS 10 -17. Most likely...
15 year 36 4141
A tip to using GPU to increase FPS [2]
Hi all, after some time spend on learning how to use my Nvidia GPU for cranking passwords and help whit ...
15 year 2 3055
Creative Motion Smooth track
I just buy a Creative Live Motion and start to use it in roborealm. My 1st surprise is that it just...
15 year 5 2752
Minimum requirements
Hi all, im planing on using a mini-itx board do use roborealm to make a rover. http://www.via.com.t...
17 year 2 4518
overlay bmp [2]
I look for it but apparently there is no way to overlay a image (bmp, jpg, marker) in a set XY from a variable (like a cog/blob ...
15 year 3 3859
Ricardo Sampaio
Hi every one, im making a line follow robot as i normally do for RoboCup but whit  roborealm.
17 year 2 2183
Set keys and Joystick [2]
Is there a way to make RR set keys or create a joystick? I have use a pvc tube whit blue borders so...
16 year 1 2113
Target for multiple object whit same color
Hi there, first post and want to say what and amazing program, im a robot builder for several Robocup classes and this software ...
17 year 4 2570
Using DVR as input [2]
Hi i have a 16ch DVR, and most of them use the same interface so i normal go to the ip ex and i get ask the user a...
16 year 2 2318
Using Web Interface in Windows Mobile
HI all, again :D I'm trying to use WebInterface on my PDA running windows mobile 5.0
16 year 3 2740
Vista Ultimate Problem [2]
My work on RR is going perfectly but know my robot is damage and i must continue working in my laptop (Asus G1S Vista Ultimate) ...
16 year 4 2420

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