Using Web Interface in Windows Mobile
Ricardo Sampaio from Portugal  [32 posts]
17 year
HI all, again :D

I'm trying to use WebInterface on my PDA running windows mobile 5.0
I can acesses the webpage and use the buttons but cant get the video stream,
if i use the direct path to the video (using IE) it asks to download it.

Already tried Opera and minimo(mini firefox) and no positive result.
Anyone done it?

thx in advance
Anonymous 17 year
Note that the web interface requires a Java applet to run. Do those browsers have Java installed on the PDA? Would it be possible to install it? Normally IE these days does not come installed with Java ... that's something extra that you have to download.

Ricardo Sampaio from Portugal  [32 posts] 17 year
I have search in java.com and in act there ate java support for PDA and windows mobile, but it must be pre-installed from factory, there are no downloads to install.

If some one know how to solve my problem i wold appreciate.
Or maybe is it possible do stream the camera as a *.asf or something so a media player could read it?

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