5045 threads
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Blob Matching
Hi, I am new with the application and hope to be able to take a snapshot of seprate blobs I managed to distinguish so that I can...
14 year 5 2961
Blob morphology
Hi STeven, I am trying to determine the circularity of transparent spheres. I can successfully use ...
10 year 0 1639
Blob point extraction
Hi STeven, I attached an image here. I want to extract the point X=347 Y=13. If i extract the blobs...
12 year 5 3101
Blob Recognition
Hello Steven, great software... I am trying to detect and count coke cans stacked together in images and draw a green border aro...
8 year 2 2302
Blob Recognition, Image Compare, or Feature?
I am new to RoboRealm and have not purchased a version as-of-yet. I am curious as to whether this program will do as desired. It...
7 year 4 1813
Blob reduction
Hi STeven In the image I attached, each blob is represented by at least 3 shades of grey (meaning t...
10 year 3 2429
Blob Replace Crash - Inner Rectangle
Hello, I’m trying to use blob replace/Inner Rectangle to find corners...
16 year 3 2465
Blob Segmentation and Filtering : Human Targets
Hi, I have been using the movement module to track a single target. It is now my goal to track more than 1 target, starting firs...
13 year 11 5010
Blob selection with mouse
Hi, I would like to track a blob on the screen. But I would like to choose which of the blo...
17 year 4 2930
Blob split feature expansion
Hi Steven, Often times I face the problem where after applying the edge detection filter, the stron...
10 year 6 2686
Blob splitting
I am having a problem with implementing blob splitting. It seems to split the blob in an unexpected location. I have attached th...
10 year 1 2568
blob sum pixel values
is there any variables that report the sum of all pixel values inside a blob? does it report every blob in the blob array? ...
7 year 2 2173
blob tracking
Hi I am trying to track blobs within series of pictures. I have images with a lot of blobs on it and I want to rec...
10 year 2 1557
Blob tracking and filtering
Hi! I am trying to track a blue LED in a ping pong ball. I am able to segment out the ball quite wel...
11 year 3 4191
Blob tracking module MISSING!
I have had RoboRealm for almost a year but only just started using it. I was looking at the Blob section of the modules and thou...
14 year 5 4909
blob tracking, triangle question
hello! i have to apologize in advance for this newbie post, but im sure you can head me quite easily to the right...
11 year 2 1599
blob within a circle
Hi, I am trying to detect if the circles are empty. Commonly there are blobs inside the circles, bu...
11 year 2 1637
Hi Steven, I have a outdoor camera that pans quite a large area and looks for boats at anchor after...
8 year 4 2422
Blobs ID
Hi, I'm trying for a while to get unique ID for each blob detected by the blob_filter. I tried the...
16 year 1 2438
Blobs: Perimeter/area and blob size
Hi, I notice that the weights generated from perimeter/area and from area/perimeter change with the size of the blob as much as ...
9 year 2 3061

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