Blob point extraction
Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts]
12 year
Hi STeven,

I attached an image here. I want to extract the point X=347 Y=13. If i extract the blobs left most point i would get X=295 Y=2. Instead I would like to draw a horizontal line on Y=13 and get the blobs "FIRST" X point (in this case X=347). I am not interested in further points along Y=13 (i.e. X=389). How do i do this? I tried using edge probe but it didn't work.

Anonymous 12 year

How consistent are those Y measurements? Ie if you use the Display_Line module to draw a black line at Y=13 would that work?

I've also attached the image again with the point I think you are taking about extracting in red. Can you confirm?


Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts] 12 year
Hi STeven,

I could not see the point u added. I have uploaded a file with the approximate point. Yes you draw a line at y=13

Anonymous 12 year
Does the attached do what you need?

Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts] 12 year
Thanks for your suggestion. Well it does not do exactly what i need. But i got an idea of how to do it. I have attached the file here.


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