blob within a circle
Nemanya Sedoglavich from United States  [14 posts]
11 year

I am trying to detect if the circles are empty. Commonly there are blobs inside the circles, but I would like to know if the circles are empty or the size of the blobs. My approach is to first detect the circles and use that as a mask/identifier and then to look for blobs.

First, I'm having some challenges getting the circles. I have to misuse the adaptive_threshold module instead of edge detect modules in order to be able to use the circle module. Then, I mask and invert the source image to remove everything outside the circles to then deal with the blobs. I could use some help in this step.

Is there a better approach to this, as it seems a little excessive?


Nemanya Sedoglavich from United States  [14 posts] 11 year
Figured it out. Used circles as a mask, and then did blob filtering within the circles only. There I looked at the intensity variance to determine if there is anything inside.


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