5050 threads
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Recognise Starting Numbers
For a school project, I'am trying to filter out starting numbers of photographs. After I f...
17 year 1 2677
University Discount?
My professor wants to purchase a copy of roborealm.  Is there any discount available for a university purchase?...
14 year 1 1810
I decided to build a small robot so I could test software for my large 300 lb robot Ethel. I built this little guy using a Lynxm...
14 year 1 5685
NXT Motor Brakes
In reference to the Lego NXT module; Is it possible to add a motor brake toggle box so that the motor brake can be activ...
17 year 1 3698
Arbitrary line measurements
From the attached pictures, how is it possible to size the asparagus (determine the length and widths). I have tried a f...
17 year 1 2446
GetImage syntax
I'm trying to load an image from RR to a VB image control.   The sample program...
17 year 1 2929
UPDATE ON 2.29.6
Hey Steven,     With 2.29.6 everything is the same for me, except the square to...
14 year 1 1678
Weld defect detection
Sorry... here are the files from my last post.......
14 year 1 1955
The download link
17 year 1 2885
Logitech C910 webcam interface
Hi All I recently discovered RoboRealm and I'am very keen to find out more. I have a number of questions which ma...
14 year 1 2234
ambitious/absured 3D manipulation project
Dear RoboRealm community and the totally awesome dude STeven, I want to build a robot and vision sy...
14 year 1 2108
Vision based mapping
Was curious to know if roborealm does any vision based mapping of an unknown environment either through landmarks, occup...
17 year 1 2267
Distributed server/client question
Hello, I am running RoboRealm on a mobile robot whose brain is a mini-itx single board comp...
16 year 1 1951
Need an image/video processing programmer
I'm not sure if this is the right place to do this, so I apologize in advance if this post is in the wrong place. I was referre...
13 year 1 1635
Analog Input
I'm looking for an analog input board that is compatible w/Roborealm's software to my Lynxmotion SSC32. ...
16 year 1 2272
Help in using a wireless camera
Hye this is srikanth n i want a small help regarding wireless camera...i got a wireless camera  but the output from it...
13 year 1 1808
Frame Rate Limit
I'm curious if the frame rate is always limited to 13FPS on a fresh load of RR or is this just because I'm still using...
17 year 1 2930
Real Time image processing with VB express
Hi, I've been trying to figure out a way to use a real time feed of the processed video (the one Roboreal...
17 year 1 3013
Object Recognition Image Extraction
Steven, What's the best way to extract an image from the Object Recognition module once it is reco...
13 year 1 2829
Support for SD-84 card
Steven,    Just curious. do you have support for the SD-84 84 channel card? Can one of th...
13 year 1 1633

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