Steven Nelson from United States  [4 posts]
14 year
I decided to build a small robot so I could test software for my large 300 lb robot Ethel. I built this little guy using a Lynxmotion SSC-32 servo control board and a BoeBot Chassis after I had that running I added a usb hub to my laptop and a usb camera to the robot. then I downloaded the color object tracking software. I had to modify the VBscript a little to work with the Lynxmotion SCC-32 board but after a bit of trial and terror I got it working quite well. I'm quite happy with the results so far and hopefully I will be able to adapt this to the large robot Ethel very soon. I'll include a copy of the robo file and I'd like some feed back from anyone who has used this software and the Lynxmotion SCC-32 board in a similar manner.

Here's a web page about the little robot LynxBot. http://www.teamkiss.com/LynxBot/lynxbot.html

There is also a video of the LynxBot robot in action on youtube.


Boy I wish there were classes I could take for using this amazing software in mobile robots. It works great but it takes awhile to configure for each application and hardware choice..  Rock on..


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