5047 threads
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Blob filtering
I would like to filter blobs so that remained only those that are further at least 30px from those blobs that touch the edges of...
7 year 4 2254
Grapes vinyard
Good morning. Is possibil to detect gapes wineyard? I wont detect the color and the contour is for me a lot of sma...
7 year 3 2031
Regarding Vcam
Can I give rtsp url as input to the virtual cam driver?...
7 year 2 1995
Hi, I am trying to setup a virtual camera, but the drivers will not install. I get the following me...
7 year 2 2067
Bug with using variable in Write_Text variable
Hello, I have set up a variable for a path I want to write text to, but the [variable] does not se...
7 year 3 2011
Running more than one instance of roborealm
Hello, I am trying to do folder comparisons as soon as the image collection is complete, I have a working robofile that starts p...
7 year 6 2210
Load Image bug
Hello, I load two images in my pipeline, a GOLD and a UUT, I pull the UUT file path from an txt va...
7 year 4 2230
merge MPU6050 DMP code
Hi, Steven I'am using MCU communicator to read the data from arduino which is used to get angle data using MPU6050...
7 year 2 2111
Background Removal
i wanted ignore the surrounding circular area of the mirror using circle module, but i can't to replace the circle blob to sourc...
7 year 3 2169
Filter array variables
Hi there, I'm having difficulty with filtering an array of variables. I have multiple blob COGs bei...
7 year 2 1901
STeven, Are you familiar with the ESP8266 wifi chip? I have Arduino code that I load into an 8266 ch...
7 year 3 2166
Movement Strobe use
When I run a robo file (such as the example file) roborealm shuts down immediately. I'm on version 2.83.17...
7 year 2 1707
RR Unstable During Tab Calls
Hi, I created a RR script (including one Main and four Tabs) to process several images.  ...
7 year 6 2555
RR save setup for all windows accounts
Unable to save same RR options for all windows users. Changes in options made in one windows account are not "visible" into anot...
7 year 2 1734
VBScript floats decimal mark
Hi there, I am using Roborealm on two different systems, both English windows 10, but on one of the...
7 year 3 2240
Save Image Problem (using C# and DLL)
Hello, I am using C# and the DLL calls in Ms Visual Studio Community 2017 environment.
7 year 4 2199
Unable to Add RoboRealm.dll to C# project
Hi, I am trying to explore RoboRealm.dll. I created a C# project and then try to add RoboRealm.dll ...
7 year 2 2302
Center of gravity
Currently i'm studying the movement of the fish by using roborealm software. One of the parameter that i used in this study is c...
7 year 4 2373
RoboRealm Crash
i wanted to change camera module but once i press the option button, the roborealm crashed i used 2...
7 year 7 2097
Roborealm + Kuka Robot
Hello! My name is Victor, i am a student, in the final master year. I (me and another...
7 year 5 2110

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