Unable to Add RoboRealm.dll to C# project
JHao from United States  [10 posts]
7 year

I am trying to explore RoboRealm.dll. I created a C# project and then try to add RoboRealm.dll to my project.  It gives me an error message "A refernce to 'C:\Program Files\RoboRealm\RoboRealm.dll' could not be added. Please make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM component".

Could you let me know what happened?

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

You don't add the dll to the project like you would in C++. Instead, you need to use it via the COM object. Download


and refer to the included C# project. With one command you switch between the API and DLL. I *highly* recommend first using the API since you can then see what RR is doing and then move to the DLL afterwards.


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