Save Image Problem (using C# and DLL) Soft. Eng. from Greece [2 posts] |
7 year
I am using C# and the DLL calls in Ms Visual Studio Community 2017 environment.
A part of the code is:
using RR_COM_APILib;
int save1_flag = rr.SaveImage("source", "C:\DEVELOP\JpegSetTest_C#\testSave1.jpg");
Console.WriteLine("SAVE-1 IMAGE FLAG: " + save1_flag);
The console output is:
PROBLEM: the specific file is not written. I have tried also the "current", "processed" parameters with the same results. The API version works fine, image files can be saved.
RoboRealm version: commercial 2.83.19 (x86)
Please, advise!
Steven Gentner from United States [1446 posts] |
7 year
Go ahead and download the latest version that will fix this issue. The current version is tied to actually running the pipeline which isn't required in this case. We've updated that function to run the same way as the API.
Soft. Eng. from Greece [2 posts] |
7 year
I have downloaded and installed the latest version. The problem is that I cannot run it since it is the demo version and my previous version is a commercial one (licensed). The new version gives me an error ("Your trial period has expired").
Please, advise!
Steven Gentner from United States [1446 posts] |
7 year
Please check your download link ... I just sent you an email explaining that you probably used the wrong one.