1530 posts
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vision system [3]
Rezk, You can use color to process your attached images. See attached robofile that can be used to ...
11 year 2 3498
Blob_Filter > RightOf/LeftOf [7]
Antoine, That still doesn't look like the original image or you are getting a very thresholded ima...
11 year 7 1868
Blob_Filter > RightOf/LeftOf [5]
Antoine, I'm assume that the red dot is something that you are drawing?
11 year 7 1868
Blob_Filter > RightOf/LeftOf [3]
Antoine, Its easier if you post the image and robofile that you are using so that we can better und...
11 year 7 1868
Select Excel Raneg and Perform Formatting functions [3]
I think you may have posted in the wrong website ... perhaps posting something on the MSDN site is a better way to go.
11 year 2 1605
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm? [9]
Christian, It could be a VB script ... or you could just grab the COG_X and calculate all that eith...
11 year 17 4201
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm? [3]
Christian, The easiest way to interface to the CRio is to use the Network Tables module. That will ...
11 year 17 4201
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm? [7]
Christian, The easiest way is to imagine that the COG_X number is like a joystick number. Joysticks...
11 year 17 4201
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm? [17]
Christian, As I mentioned before, do NOT use -1 and 1 in the differential module and instead use -1...
11 year 17 4201
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm? [5]
Christian, It is recommended not to plug the Axis into the CRio since you should have an onboard ro...
11 year 17 4201
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm? [11]
Christian, That's what I described above. If you are driving using tank drive using a joystick, th...
11 year 17 4201
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm? [15]
Yup, that should do it. Keep in mind that the scale is a bit different with regards to that. You need to decide what the min and...
11 year 17 4201
Beginners Intro to RoboRealm? [13]
While this is possible to do in VBScript, perhaps you can just use ...
11 year 17 4201
Target Variable Meanings [3]
James, We'll look into that but before we do could you post the robofile that you are using and a ...
11 year 4 1752
Defect Detection of No. Plate [3]
Attached is one way to do this .. but its probably not what you need. The reason for this is that your test images appear to be ...
11 year 7 4084
Defect Detection of No. Plate [5]
If you have a known good sample, you should be able to use the same technique to detect scratches. Using the OR or Shape module ...
11 year 7 4084
Need help:  API response time fluctuates a lot [3]
Billy, This is one of the reasons that the Network Tables module was created ... to separate the wa...
11 year 3 1747
Directional close [3]
Dawson, That's been added to 2.48.22. Give it a try and see if that is what you needed. The result...
11 year 9 2680
Directional close [6]
Dawson, I tried the horizontal close on your image and it appears to do what we expected it to. (se...
11 year 9 2680
FIRST FRC licence expired on competition day- Help [3]
You may have mistakenly updated it with a trial version instead of the url that you got from the coupon. If you use the site con...
11 year 2 1726

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