172 posts
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Tracking an object using AVM [7]
Ok great....
10 year 14 3692
Conditional edge detection [4]
Yes that would work. Thanks...
12 year 3 1664
Cluster points testing [4]
Excellent :)...
12 year 3 2451
looping another module within VB [3]
Or is there a way i can get the color data for a single pixel instead of an array for the whole image....
12 year 3 2206
Tracking an object using AVM [8]
Hi EDV, Do i set the NV_REMOVE_IDX to 0 to clear data? when i need it to learn a new object, do i g...
10 year 14 3692
Showing a specific blob [4]
Excellent. Thanks...
12 year 13 2198
Avoid bottom border [9]
STeven Yes i downloaded v2.44.7 but i still dont see an option to remove the bottom border in the b...
12 year 10 3056
comparing the color of two blobs [9]
I will use the color statistics module to get the blob color data. Thanks....
12 year 8 2914
looping another module within VB [4]
I will use the color statistics module to get the blob color data. Thanks....
12 year 3 2206
Tracking an object using AVM [10]
Hi EDV, I have uploaded 2 programs. I found the issue is in line 14. The first program I get the la...
10 year 14 3692
Tracking an object using AVM [11]
Hi EDV, Ultimately i would like to implement 2 senario's Senario 1: a...
10 year 14 3692
Tracking an object using AVM [13]
I set the NV_WR_OBJ_RECT_X and NV_WR_OBJ_RECT_Y to a different value (100, 100) and it works (so my previous post that it is onl...
10 year 14 3692
Avoid bottom border [11]
Great. Thanks...
12 year 10 3056
GPU processing [4]
Steven, Thanks for your response. I was wondering why the FPS was around 8 or less and almost 1seco...
12 year 3 1922
Tracking an object using AVM [14]
Hi EDV, I realize that actually my code was logically wrong. I was trying to use the previous posit...
10 year 14 3692
Embedded PC [4]
I got into the administrator profile and managed to install it. It seems to work but when i try to run my program it says "low ...
11 year 10 2249
Embedded PC [5]
Just to update C drive 485 MB - 61.7MB free Z drive (named MS-RAMDRIVE) 29.5MB
11 year 10 2249
Embedded PC [6]
Managed to get it to work for now by increasing the virtual RAM (still image detection). I probably need to upgrade to 512MB in ...
11 year 10 2249
speed data [5]
STeven Tested gps reader module. Could not get it to work. RR seems to hang when i try to remove th...
12 year 13 2541
Embedded PC [7]
Upgraded to 1GB RAM. Works fine now....
11 year 10 2249

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