GPU processing
Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts]
12 year
Does RR utilize the GPU co-processor (nvidia or AMD Fusion) or does the OS (windows) handle what is processed by the GPU?
Anonymous 12 year

This is something that is currently in progress. We plan to upgrade several module to start utilizing Cuda Nvidia technology. The OS does not handle any GPU processing with regards to what RR does ... it has to be specifically added into all modules.

Is there a module in particular that you need increased performance on?

Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts] 12 year

Thanks for your response. I was wondering why the FPS was around 8 or less and almost 1second delay between the live and displayed video. I solved it by disabling the auto white balance and auto exposure of the webcam. The fps is now 24 and no video lag. Thanks.

Im sure the upgrade would benefit high speed real time projects. Thanks again.

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