186 posts
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FRC Camera Client Receives Error When Sending Parameters [2]
Michael, You are not the first to mention this (there have been 3 other teams) and the conclusion w...
7 year 8 2854
lynxmotion ssc 32U not connecting [2]
Max, Not sure about if any drivers are needed and how the USB device looks to the PC. One would exp...
8 year 4 3095
Switching between cameras and network tables [5]
That is certainly possible. Start simple, just get the values first being sent back for one image. Once you have that working it...
8 year 5 2456
Switching between cameras and network tables [2]
How are you accessing the image? Using the webserver? It doesn't seem like your robofile would work...
8 year 5 2456
Angle of Line in Line_Probe output [3]
In most cases, you can also use an expression where you might just type in a number. For example: [...
8 year 3 2079
FIRST FRC 2017 [2]
Sandy, We had heard of the peg target before kickoff but since have not seen that even mentioned. D...
8 year 2 2298
Line Pattern variables [2]
You can ignore that ... it was just a left over number that should be ingored. If you download the latest version that will be g...
8 year 2 2141
Pipeline with network tables? [2]
You still need a PC or something similar (see tutorial for recomendations) to run RoboRealm. Then use the API via Java to commun...
8 year 2 2165
is the cog height variable missing? [2]
No, a cog width or cog height has never existed. Most likely you are thinking of another module. Th...
8 year 2 2407
Distorted image - grid marking reading [2]
This can be partially helped by the Cylindrical Unwarp module if you rotate by 90 degrees first. See attached robofile.
8 year 2 2235
multiples cog with same colour [2]
See http://w...
8 year 2 1996
Camera FPS through xml [4]
Hi, We've reviewed the COM object for issues in sending a decimal number (just in case that's what ...
8 year 4 2049
Camera FPS vs Processing FPS [2]
Alec, Changing the cameras fps will change the amount of data being fed into the PC (typically) and...
8 year 5 2505
Camera FPS vs Processing FPS [5]
Alec, Its worth downloading the latest version just in case the changes that accepted a decimal fps...
8 year 5 2505
Screen Capture [2]
Yes, there are various ways to do this. Since it is always in the same spot you can crop the image to just that location and use...
8 year 3 2120
VB Script changes variable but not applying? [3]
Alec, The fps variable is mainly a read only variable. One can set it but it will immediately get o...
8 year 3 2467
VBScript sleep command [2]
Sam, Its a bit subtle but the Sleep in VBScript only suspends the VBScript and NOT the pipeline. On...
8 year 2 2135
Slamtec RPLidar implementation [2]
Gabe, As you mentioned in your email, it looks like the protocol is slightly different. We can look...
8 year 2 2496
Finding Coordinates on Feature of Blob [2]
Alex, You need an extra point, perhaps the center, that provides an intersection point. I've includ...
8 year 6 2301
Dll error when trying to run the VB script program [2]
Manoj, There are couple things you can try that will help to better indicate the issue.
8 year 2 2951

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