
Display Text

The Display Text module provides a way to draw text on the current image.



1. Text - Specify the actual text to be displayed in the image.

2. Text Variable - Specify the text to display by selecting the variable that contains the text to display.

2. Location - Select the point location source

Static - specify the integer coordinates for the text

Relative Point - Select the relative location of the text. The text will then scale with the image to keep its position relative to the center or corner locations.

Percent of Width and Height - Similar to relative location but based on a percent of the current width and height. As the image size changes the location will change in accordance with the specified percentages.

Variable Points - specify the 2 variables that contain the x, y location for the text to be drawn

List Points - specify the variable that contains a list of coordinates where the text should be draw. Note that this list should be a multiple of 2. The contents of the Text Data field are used in each X, Y location.

List Points and Text - specify the variable that contains a list of coordinates and text string that will be used to display the text strings. Note that this list should be a multiple of 3. The contents of the Text Data field are ignored in this case.

3. Dim background - Select if you would like to "dim" the background of the text area. This reduces the background of the text intensity to make it easier to read the white text.

4. Border Color - Select the color of the border box that surrounds the text.

5. Font Size - Select the font size to use for displaying the variables.

6. Font Color - Select the font color to use for displaying the variables.

7. Display as Annotation - Select if you want the graphic to be draw after all processing has been completed. If this is NOT selected then the next module in the processing pipeline will see the graphic as if it were part of the image and process it accordingly.

7. When done press ok to save the current configuration. Note that any changes are immediately visible in the image preview in the main dialog.

See Also

Display Variables

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