If statement
Grant Zheng from United States  [1 posts]
6 year
I am developing a defect detection system and I would like to trigger the detection once an edge of a board has been detected. Is there a way that I can have an edge detection algorithm output a boolean value and start my detection?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 6 year

Yes, there are many ways to do this but it depends on what you mean by "output". There are many ways to get information into and out of RR. The most common is using the API but this requires that the receiving system is within your control. If not have a look at the more generic communication modules like Modbus, Serial, TCP, USB, etc. There is a lot to chose from so one of these modules should be able to help you "output" the information.


or you might find a module that communicates directly with the device depending on what device you have.


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