73 posts
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GPS_Reader module needs more variables [4]
1. GPS_WAYPOINT_CURRENT and GPS_WAYPOINT_LAST as described would be very helpful. Unaugmented GPS m...
11 year 8 3152
GPS_Reader module needs more variables [2]
Trip routing is an important robotic and simulation task.  It goes down a list of places to go and what to do at each ...
11 year 8 3152
GPS_Reader waypoint problems [4]
Here it is.  I did not alter it. ...
11 year 9 3008
GPS_Reader waypoint problems [7]
I meant 8000 feet, of course....
11 year 9 3008
GPS_Reader waypoint problems
Here it is.  I did not alter it....
11 year 9 3008
GPS_Reader waypoint problems [6]
I downloaded your program.robo and opened it with RR 2.50.12.  The simulation speed is now real-time on Win 7, but the...
11 year 9 3008
GPS_Reader waypoint problems [2]
IGPS_Reader is giving me different problems on Win 7 and XP.  However, the common problem is with file data and waypoi...
11 year 9 3008
GPS_Reader waypoint problems [10]
GPS simulation fix confirmed in RR 2.50.14.  Now to try the module in the field......
11 year 9 3008
Kinect RGB image anomalies [4]
Tested RR 2.50.12 on Win 7 with simple two-line program, Microsoft_Kinect Display_Va...
11 year 3 3370
Kinect RGB image anomalies [2]
Kinect module working well in RR 2.49.13 with Microsoft drivers on Windows 7, but a couple of odd effects:
11 year 3 3370
Kinect RGB image anomalies
I tested the page size in 2.50.1 with a heavily pruned index.html and my robot truck .robo file saved with a Logitech 9000 camer...
11 year 3 3370
Faceless Startup Not Working [4]
I believe 2.50.10 did fix that problem, but, oh my, it broke something else badly!  (I verified this by reverting to v...
11 year 10 2162
Faceless Startup Not Working [10]
Test done with RR 2.50.12 by loading previous program which was saved with Python_Program included.  Looks good now, n...
11 year 10 2162
Faceless Startup Not Working [2]
My mobile robot's saved RR program starts up automatically after a clean shutdown with the GUI visible even though the "Startu...
11 year 10 2162
Faceless Startup Not Working [9]
Sorry, I didn't see the note about 2.50.12 before posting the above.  I will test it....
11 year 10 2162
Faceless Startup Not Working [8]
On Win 7 I tried inserting a new Python module into the program where the old one had been.  Python_Program_v2x gave s...
11 year 10 2162
Faceless Startup Not Working [6]
Not quite there yet on Win 7.  Latest version (RR 2.50.11) now has this error on startup:
11 year 10 2162
Python 32 bit DLL on Win 7 ia64 [3]
Problem solved!  I had previously installed python for myself only.  I uninstalled python and reinstalled fo...
12 year 5 4130
Python 32 bit DLL on Win 7 ia64 [2]
Got the missing "phython30" (sic) dll error message, but cannot resolve by installing 32-bit python, not even with python 3.0 ...
12 year 5 4130
Python Debug Print [2]
In the current Help page for the Python API, rr.Print is listed but does not seem to exist in Roborealm 2.49.10.  Just...
12 year 1 1795

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