GPS_Reader waypoint problems
John Davis  [71 posts]
11 year
IGPS_Reader is giving me different problems on Win 7 and XP.  However, the common problem is with file data and waypoints.  I am using RR 2.50.1 in simulation mode with the downloaded test_gps.nmea on both platforms.  On both, the blue ball goes around the track, but the orange balls representing waypoints do not appear.  Instead, the waypoint distance variable has a constant value of 7947.27 and a green line extends from the blue ball to way off screen.

I have tried two to four waypoints taken from or near the test path, but they appeared only once, when I first tried Win 7.  I did not restart Windows, but I did restart RR several times and reloaded or recreated a pipeline with only GPS_Reader in it.

There are other issues:  the simulation runs in real time on XP, but zooms around the track on Win 7, too fast to be useful.

Is there a working .robo file that I can use as a regression test?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

Could you zip up the test_gps.nmea file and post it here? We can then use that to test for the behaviors that you are seeing.

John Davis  [71 posts] 11 year
Here it is.  I did not alter it.
John Davis  [71 posts] 11 year
Here it is.  I did not alter it.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

Thanks, there were some issues with the coordinate conversions no working correctly for the waypoints. I've attached a file that has a couple way points that now seem to work. Note the distances have been changed to ft instead of the previous km. Please download the latest RR version to get this to work.


John Davis  [71 posts] 11 year
I downloaded your program.robo and opened it with RR 2.50.12.  The simulation speed is now real-time on Win 7, but the other problems are still there:

    Waypoint distance is still shown as almost 8000 miles.
    No orange balls on the map and no indication where the waypoints really are.
John Davis  [71 posts] 11 year
I meant 8000 feet, of course.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

Sorry about that, I got ahead of myself a little. I posted before the update had made it up to the website. Its version 2.50.13. If you download that and try it on the above robofile you should see the orange circles after a bit and then turn into red squares when they get passed.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

Sorry about that, I got ahead of myself a little. I posted before the update had made it up to the website. Its version 2.50.13. If you download that and try it on the above robofile you should see the orange circles after a bit and then turn into red squares when they get passed.

John Davis  [71 posts] 11 year
GPS simulation fix confirmed in RR 2.50.14.  Now to try the module in the field...

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