1530 posts
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BREATH variable [2]
Nemanya, The BREATH variable was not being created as an array. This has been fixed in the most rec...
10 year 2 2474
AVM navigator and APM 2.5 [4]
Yes, that is certainly possible. The AVM module creates those variables with the expectation of another module using those value...
9 year 5 2476
Serial receive - order [3]
Yes, that what \\255\\0\\[left_motor]\\255\\1\\[right_motor] in the s...
10 year 3 2476
AVM Navigator new update bug [5]
Yes, we did test using your file. We found the same behaviour all the way back to 2.66 and then stopped. Were you using a versio...
9 year 6 2479
AVM Navigator new update bug [3]
Wongfeirang, Sorry for the delay in responding to this. We were checking previous RR versions (by a...
9 year 6 2479
Camera Freezing with Convex Hull [4]
Sandy, No problem! Glad we were able to connect. When you try things o...
8 year 4 2480
Camera Freezing with Convex Hull [2]
Sandy, I sent an email earlier today ... please download the latest version which should have a fix...
8 year 4 2480
Reload image [2]
Seem to be working now. Since you are using the root of the D drive, it may not have worked since if you don't have write access...
8 year 2 2487
Bug in multiline cut and if statement [2]
We noticed this too and added a fix. Things are still not quite right if you cut/copy half an if_statement (i.e. don't include i...
9 year 2 2490
Write new AVI with each movement [2]
Samuel, Yes, this is possible. You can change the name of the filename that is created using by pla...
7 year 2 2490
VB script power NXT [2]
Max, I assume the VBscript is setting the robot motor values? The pro...
9 year 2 2494
creating a bounding box over a blob group [2]
Yes, you can use the geometric stats module to get the extents of all blobs and then use the display rectangle module to actuall...
10 year 3 2497
Media reader - Pause playback until current frame is processed in RR and API [2]
Once the Media Reader starts its Windows that is continuing to read in the movie file and send RR images. It will NOT wait for a...
6 year 2 2498
Arduino Uno R3 - Sparkfun [2]
Patrick, Can you download the Arduino code again and upload to the Arduino ... there was a test sta...
8 year 3 2499
go to line feature [4]
Dawson, I'd use the Color Stats module to calculate that on all blobs (select the individual blobs...
10 year 4 2508
Robot Localization !!! [2]
I'm not sure that you really want what you are asking for ... but see the attached robofile. That will define robot_x, robot_y,...
11 year 2 2510
Best shape to detect upper-left corner of a table [2]
Kresimir, You may find better luck using the Align_Image module which was built to align pages like...
8 year 6 2511
Best shape to detect upper-left corner of a table [6]
Yes, it is always a good idea to test any solution on as many images as you can. Especially in the case of paper that has been h...
8 year 6 2511
Best shape to detect upper-left corner of a table [4]
Kresimir, See the attached. Load in the test.jpg image and see the results in the VBScript.
8 year 6 2511
Distance and Angle Measurements [2]
Larry, In order to measure distance from the camera you would either need to know the physical obje...
8 year 2 2512

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