30 posts
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AVM Navigator [2]
Hi, I am using the AVM_Navigator plugin for human eye tracking in my academic project. Upon eye obj...
13 year 5 3751
Eye Tracking [2]
I have a Trossen Robotics 'RoboTurret Vision Tracking' kit with me. The Kit is successfully interfaced with RoboRealm and able...
13 year 15 5681
Face detection [2]
Hello STeven, In one of my application, I am using Roborealm (license ver 2.47.4). ...
12 year 4 4453
Learning AVM object recognition module using available templates [2]
Hello, I have a database of human eye object image template (.jpg files) of size 80x80.
12 year 4 2580
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [2]
Hello, Am using AVM Navigator v0.7.4.1 licensed version with RR v2.46.37. With object...
12 year 10 3411
Roborealm suddenly crashes on windows7 [2]
Hello, I have a licensed version of Roborealm v2.46.32 and AVM navigator v0.7.4.2. I ...
12 year 10 3007
saving an image of highlighted object [2]
Hi, Recently I upgraded my Roborealm license to version v2.46.32 and AVM Navigator PlugIn to versio...
12 year 4 2800
Using RoboRealmAPIs fromMatlab [2]
Hi, I am using Roborealm and APIs for one of my academic projects in Eye Tracking and camera positi...
13 year 3 2087
Write Image Files [2]
Hello STeven, Regarding Write Image Files command, I request following information: ...
12 year 1 1787
Write Images [2]
When 'Write Images <file path\\file name>' command is executed, it opens 'Write Image File' dialig box. In order to sa...
12 year 1 1838

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