186 posts
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what is COG_X in auto image calibration [2]
These are just variables generated by the Center of Gravity module: ...
8 year 2 3018
Dll error when trying to run the VB script program [2]
Manoj, There are couple things you can try that will help to better indicate the issue.
8 year 2 2990
VB Program help [2]
Jaheer, That's a common issue when dealing with the outside environment, i.e. different lighting co...
8 year 2 2980
XML/Sockets API - Questions for a node.js / Javascript interface implementation [8]
The pause will only pause once the 'complete' pipeline has been executed. So if a pause is received anywhere in the middle (rega...
7 year 8 2976
vehicle counting [4]
Do you have an idea on what the large sticker or vehicle No. look like? Typically cameras that count vehicles are a bit too far ...
9 year 4 2972
fiducial module - issues getting practical results [3]
(forgot one) 5. Adjust the focal length to 600 ... I think that's probably what you were intending ...
9 year 7 2926
fiducial module - issues getting practical results [2]
Murray, Couple things to change. 1. First download the latest version...
9 year 7 2926
fiducial module - issues getting practical results [6]
Murray, Yea, the image needs to be corrected for that amount of distortion. The Radial module can h...
9 year 7 2926
labels [2]
Giuseppe, What you are asking for is a bit involved, we can't just provide a 'quick example' and ha...
9 year 2 2885
FRC Camera Client Receives Error When Sending Parameters [4]
You will not see the camera in the dropdown since the HD-3000 is a webcam and NOT and IP camera. We were thinking that the roboR...
8 year 8 2884
FRC Camera Client Receives Error When Sending Parameters [2]
Michael, You are not the first to mention this (there have been 3 other teams) and the conclusion w...
8 year 8 2884
If a Different Object Recognized= Different Robot Action [2]
There isn't a cut and paste script. Something you might consider is ...
8 year 4 2883
Find circle shapes [6]
Can I assume you are looking to put a circle around the shiny/wet part around the tablets in the petri dish? I assume knowing wh...
9 year 9 2855
Find circle shapes [3]
Can you post the original image? STeven....
9 year 9 2855
Problems Using GetArrayVariable in VBScript [3]
BE, 1. Thanks for the investigation. Yes, the Read_Variables module was actually created BEFORE arr...
8 year 3 2826
Limit on images in object recognition module [2]
The limit is 1000 images on the Object Recognition module. But you'll probably never get that many ...
9 year 3 2806
USB Port / RoboRealm Module [2]
Joe, Have you tried the Phidget_888_Interface module in RoboRealm?
9 year 7 2787
AVM navigator and APM 2.5 [2]
1. Unfortunately, we've not had the opportunity to connect an APM to a laptop for the purpose of integration. I w...
9 year 5 2771
Phidget servo control [8]
Brian, Hmm, we didn't see that crash report. Its possible that RR cannot reach outside your network...
8 year 8 2704
Phidget servo control [2]
Brian, Just to be sure, are you running the 32 bit version of RR or the 64 bit? The phidget drivers...
8 year 8 2704

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