186 posts
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Issues with processing duration and misc questions [3]
With some further testing, it occurred to me to ask if you are keeping the connection open during the loop iteration or are clos...
8 year 3 2170
Issues with processing duration and misc questions [2]
Josh, Q1: Can I assume that you are using the COM object in 32 bit mode? The times in the display a...
8 year 3 2170
Line Pattern variables [2]
You can ignore that ... it was just a left over number that should be ingored. If you download the latest version that will be g...
8 year 2 2168
VBScript sleep command [2]
Sam, Its a bit subtle but the Sleep in VBScript only suspends the VBScript and NOT the pipeline. On...
8 year 2 2164
MicroUSB U451 board [2]
Tom, Can you confirm that you are running the x86 (32 bit) version of RR?
8 year 5 2147
Screen Capture [2]
Yes, there are various ways to do this. Since it is always in the same spot you can crop the image to just that location and use...
8 year 3 2144
Visual targeting of shapes on a computer screen? [2]
Have a look at Screen_Capture ...
8 year 7 2130
Visual targeting of shapes on a computer screen? [6]
You may instead search on google for "gamebots" which is more of what you are looking for. I'd not ...
8 year 7 2130
Eiting in kioskl mode [2]
Roland, That is correct. The window would not be accessible in the full window mode. What you can d...
6 year 3 2123
Eliminate "spotlight" effect [2]
Kresimir, 1. Try using Adaptive Threshold instead of global threshold as that will be more localize...
8 year 8 2117
Detection of motion [2]
You probably don't have permissions to write to that folder. Win10 doesn't allow to write to the Program Files folder unless you...
7 year 2 2112
Angle of Line in Line_Probe output [3]
In most cases, you can also use an expression where you might just type in a number. For example: [...
8 year 3 2110
problem in sprkfun_mega module [2]
Nithy, Try downloading the latest release ... the  key strokes when typing in the variabl...
8 year 7 2093
problem in sprkfun_mega module [7]
What do you mean by "variable in servo tab unlocks itself"? Can you give me a use case, as described above that we can reproduce...
8 year 7 2093
Camera FPS through xml [4]
Hi, We've reviewed the COM object for issues in sending a decimal number (just in case that's what ...
8 year 4 2087
Can't change image format [4]
Seems like you are running the most recent version. There is probably another problem with this particular Jpeg image that the D...
8 year 8 2086
Can't change image format [2]
Alec, The reason is probably due to the DFK drivers. When you use Options->Video->Video Forma...
8 year 8 2086
Can't change image format [6]
It will attempt to send that file to us in the background so it will open up a connection back to ...
8 year 8 2086
Laser scanner [2]
Dave, In your case, I would assume the robot is already large enough to carry a regular laptop ... ...
9 year 3 2077
Arduino Mega-Roborealm Serial Timing Question [2]
eJMO, Thanks for the detail description! The new variable value will have to wait to cycle through ...
9 year 2 2070

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