186 posts
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image after motion/movement stops [2]
Malcolm, It would depend on what action you need to invoke after the movement. For example, based o...
9 year 2 1884
Input from key board [2]
Jaheer, You can use the Keyboard_Read module to create variable triggers based on keys pressed, i.e...
8 year 2 1887
GetCameraFormat [2]
Bob, It seems that the number of bits the current format is using was being reported incorrectly an...
9 year 2 1887
settingCamera using DLL [2]
Parker, They are the same function ... the wording was changed to better reflect "Current" as in Se...
8 year 2 1895
VB script [2]
Peter, You probably don't have the 'Create Object Array" checkbox set in the Object Recognition int...
8 year 3 1920
How to align image pixels [2]
Aman, This is possible to do with a couple tricks. The first is to note that because each camera is...
8 year 2 1927
Wrong marker image get via COM API [2]
Kresimir, Couple things you can try: 1. Be sure to use the Marker modu...
8 year 2 1942
VCOMP120.DLL Error [2]
Gary, Its the 2013 redistributable (just confirmed on my machine):
8 year 3 1942
Detecting pills in trays [2]
Alan, This isn't something that we can just answer as there are a lot of details to this process. Y...
6 year 2 1943
how to access MicaSense multispectral Camera [2]
Assuming http://w...
8 year 2 1951
OCR Fonts [2]
Can you include the original image? It seems that the text is a bit squashed which will interfere with good recognition (i.e. pe...
5 year 2 1965
Plastic tube image matching [4]
The line scan camera will do what I mentioned by taking the single (or couple) middle lines of the image (i.e. row or col depend...
8 year 4 1990
Plastic tube image matching [2]
Mousa, There isn't a specialized module that will do what you need. There are two options, you can ...
8 year 4 1990
multiples cog with same colour [2]
See http://w...
8 year 2 1996
Color detection [2]
Jim, Attached is one way to do this ... but its not quite done. There are a couple things you can d...
8 year 3 1997
Shape finding [2]
Erick, See attached. Note, the biggest issue you probably didn't realize is that RR sees white obje...
8 year 4 2005
Image Matching variable not working [2]
Jaheer, I assume you have recorded images from when the robot turns? Keep in mind that as soon as t...
8 year 4 2008
Image Matching variable not working [4]
Jaheer, What is the small gray number on the right side of the pipeline next to the image matching ...
8 year 4 2008
Camera Settings [4]
Sriprada, There was a problem in that module. It was not setting the size correctly. On verificatio...
8 year 5 2012
Camera Settings [2]
Sriprada, Not saving the settings is a common issue in a lot of webcams. Try adding the Camera Prop...
8 year 5 2012

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