78 posts
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RoboRealm Screen Capture [4]
Steve, For the screen capture dialogue box could you guys add the capability to select the window c...
15 year 3 1974
Working RoboRealm & Webcam in Ubuntu! [2]
Here it is folks: RoboRealm running in Ubuntu and Wine with a working webcam. I forgot that the most obvious thing to do for Web...
15 year 3 4096
x10 firecracker [4]
Steven, I had downloaded some VB code from the web to control the firecracker for my iRobot Create ...
13 year 3 2212
Windows 8
Steven, In the FAQ Windows 8 is not listed as a compatible OS. Is that still correct?
11 year 3 3017
Computer Vision Tutorials [2]
I found some really good college level computer vision video tutorials. The topics are pretty advance but it relates to many of ...
15 year 2 2051
Symbol recognition [3]
Look at the Fiducial module: h...
13 year 2 2019
Matlab & Virtual Cam [2]
Steve, I'm using Matlab to connect to RoboRealm through the virtual camera interface. Matlab is re...
15 year 2 2919
ASUS Xtion [2]
FYI - Some more hardware for RoboRealm to support. Asus is soon coming out with a Kinect like device with a C++, C# development ...
13 year 2 3600
Barcode Reader [2]
Steven, Could you check to see if the MaxiCode is working in the Barcode Reader module? I tried to ...
13 year 2 2330
How to work with unsupported camera's/ Genicam [3]
Do you have an application running on Windows that can display the uEye camera image? If so, you can us the screen capture funct...
14 year 2 2163
Web Server Image Selection [2]
Steve, I noticed that the image from the Web Server is the current image. Can you guys add an optio...
15 year 2 1979
Edges-> Connect_Points lock up [2]
Hi Steve, The "Edges -> Connect_Points" appears to be locking up in RoboRealm. I have version ...
15 year 2 1999
image distributor docs [2]
Steve, Been reading the docs on the image distributor: ...
15 year 2 1996
OpenNI Organization [2]
Steve, Check out the latest news about Primsense, the inventors of the Kinect making their drivers ...
13 year 2 2025
"Internal Error- Could not access dll's name." [2]
Steve, RR eval version 2.30.3 fixed the dll error on my main computer but I still see the error on ...
13 year 2 2362
Video from another program. [3]
If the desktop is on the same computer that is running RoboRealm you can use the Screen Capture module:
13 year 2 2097
Object Recognition Image Extraction [2]
Steven, What's the best way to extract an image from the Object Recognition module once it is reco...
13 year 1 2787
USB2Dynamixel [2]
Steven, Here is another must have item you should support: ...
13 year 1 2315

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