Matlab & Virtual Cam
Danh from United States  [79 posts]
16 year

I'm using Matlab to connect to RoboRealm through the virtual camera interface. Matlab is reporting that virtual camera only supports the "RGB24_1280x960" resolution. This results in a huge image that is making my computer slow to a crawl. Here is what Matlab reports for virtual cam:

         DefaultFormat: 'RGB24_1280x960'
    DeviceFileSupported: 0
             DeviceName: 'RoboRealm VCam'
               DeviceID: 1
      ObjectConstructor: 'videoinput('winvideo', 1)'
       SupportedFormats: {'RGB24_1280x960'}

If I connect Matlab directly to my webcam I get a report showing a lot more supported images stored in a 1x15 array below:

         DefaultFormat: 'RGB24_320x240'
    DeviceFileSupported: 0
             DeviceName: 'Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000'
               DeviceID: 3
      ObjectConstructor: 'videoinput('winvideo', 3)'
       SupportedFormats: {1x15 cell}

Is there something you can alter in your virtual camera driver code to report and set ALL of the supported image formats for a camera? I'm hoping that this may also fix problems with other programs I have that don't connect to virtual cam. It looks like there is also a default format size that is returned by a camera driver so perhaps you can default to something smaller like 320x240.

Anonymous 16 year
We saw something that might be causing this really large input size. We've updated the default to be 320x240 but don't know if this will make a difference. Can you check with Matlab and and let us know if that works?

Unfortunately the specification for input sizes doesn't translate well to the camera. So RR will resize images according to the requested size. Thus we have a limited option here ... but hopefully 320x240 should work.


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