172 posts
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Embedded PC [9]
Yes you are right. Also does anyone have experience in installing a webcam on an XPe based system. It is not as straight forward...
11 year 10 2255
Embedded PC [10]
looks like i need to swap the flash drive with an IDE drive and run Win XP after all....
11 year 10 2255
speed data [7]
Hi STeven Its the first time i am trying this module out as i just got the GPS dongle....
12 year 13 2544
speed data [9]
Yes i suspect there is some driver issue. I will get back to you on this. Thanks...
12 year 13 2544
Bug in call module [4]
OK great. Thanks....
10 year 4 2888
speed data [12]
Does RR require Win7 to detect the GPS device as a location sensor (in control panel) or does RR access the COM port directly? <...
12 year 13 2544
crop feature [4]
Steven, Excellent. Thanks...
12 year 3 3038
Object tracking [9]
Hi, I am interested in AVM's "learn from motion" feature. Was it designed to work on a 2D plane ...
12 year 13 6307
Bug in call module [3]
OK great....
10 year 3 1629
creating a bounding box over a blob group [3]
Yes that will work. Thanks...
10 year 3 2496
Object tracking [11]
12 year 13 6307
Object tracking [12]
Impressive video...
12 year 13 6307
Showing a specific blob [5]
What if i have isolated 3 blobs (instead of one)? How would i show just the 3 blobs?...
12 year 13 2203
speed data [14]
Yes it was a driver problem. Updated the driver. Its working now Thanks....
12 year 13 2544
Blob filtration based on logic [3]
Hi STeven, Thanks for the explanation. Excellent....
10 year 3 2678
Nearest blob to refference line [3]
Hi STeven, Works great. Excellent job....
10 year 3 2598
Showing a specific blob [6]
I tried using the invert feature (blob filter module) to remove the unwanted blobs one by one  until only the wanted b...
12 year 13 2203
Embedded PC [11]
Just to update. It works with 8GB flash drive with XP. However the old VIA chipsets integrated graphics utilizes the cpu causing...
11 year 10 2255
Object strobing [4]
The entire scene may have spots where the light intensity is higher or equal to the light reflected from the object being strobe...
13 year 9 3082
Blob split feature expansion [3]
Hi Steven, The red line indicates roughly where i want the split to occur....
10 year 6 2685

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