172 posts
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Object strobing [10]
STeven Yes you are right. Surface reflection, texture and color pose major problems. I might be bet...
13 year 9 3287
Object strobing [9]
STeven, Yes and the fact that the robot (and the camera) is moving complicates things further (not ...
13 year 9 3287
Object strobing [7]
The purpose of strobing is to differentiate bright areas in the scene with continuous light and areas where the light is strobin...
13 year 9 3287
Object strobing [6]
Yes you are right. It is for obstacle avoidance. I am anticipating that the closer objects will appear brighter. Thanks...
13 year 9 3287
Object strobing [4]
The entire scene may have spots where the light intensity is higher or equal to the light reflected from the object being strobe...
13 year 9 3287
Object strobing [2]
If i strobe an object (at a fixed frequency) in a scene, can roborealm mask out the scene leaving only the area of the strobing ...
13 year 9 3287
Blob isolation [3]
I am currently setting a variable and using an if statement to check. The problem with this is that it is done after the blob fi...
13 year 3 2206
Blob isolation [2]
Is it possible to set the minimum blob size relative to its COG_X position. So as COG_X increases, the minimum acceptable blob s...
13 year 3 2206
Blob isolation [4]
I managed to do it using VB script....
13 year 3 2206
GPU processing [4]
Steven, Thanks for your response. I was wondering why the FPS was around 8 or less and almost 1seco...
13 year 3 2125
GPU processing [2]
Does RR utilize the GPU co-processor (nvidia or AMD Fusion) or does the OS (windows) handle what is processed by the GPU?...
13 year 3 2125
crop feature [4]
Steven, Excellent. Thanks...
13 year 3 3316
crop feature [2]
Hi, Is there a way to put the cropped processed image on top of the original image (just the white ...
13 year 3 3316
Display text bug [2]
Hi, The display text does not show the text that i entered. Instead it shows "320*240".
13 year 2 3082
reading values after time lapse [4]
That's great thanks. I managed to use the SetTimedVariable feature to accomplish a similar effect....
13 year 3 3468
reading values after time lapse [2]
How do i read a variable (exp COG_X) value at Time = 1second ago and compare this with the current value (Time = current)
13 year 3 3468
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [16]
Hi, I would definitely be interested in an Android version :) ...
13 year 15 6331
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [14]
XPe still needs x86. Only WinCE can run on ARM (Most tablets)....
13 year 15 6331
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [12]
According to this post http://www.roborealm....
13 year 15 6331
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [11]
based on this post http://www.roborealm.com/...
13 year 15 6331

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