172 posts
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machine emulation [2]
Has anyone tried testing the performance of RR on QEMU emulation (x86 app running on ARM machine)?...
12 year 2 2028
looping another module within VB [2]
Hi STeven, Is it possible to loop another module for example the sample color module within a Do wh...
12 year 3 2213
line angle limit
Hi STeven, This module is great as the distance of the line can be limited. Is it also possible to ...
10 year 4 1581
input bounding box data to avm
Hi, Is it possible to send the bounding box data to avm using the vb script module so that the init...
10 year 5 2716
importing other robo files into the call module
Hi Steven, It would be interesting if one could import another robo file into a new call tab. This ...
10 year 3 1831
GPU processing [2]
Does RR utilize the GPU co-processor (nvidia or AMD Fusion) or does the OS (windows) handle what is processed by the GPU?...
12 year 3 1928
go to line feature
Hi STeven, I want to process the next blob after determining that the initial selected blob did not...
10 year 4 2505
Full screen display text [2]
Hi STeven, I would like to use RR to only display between two text status in full screen. I don't ...
11 year 2 2341
Embedded PC [2]
I plan to get a XP embedded thin client. How would i execute RR. Since it uses flash memory im not sure if i could "install" R...
11 year 10 2255
Display text bug [2]
Hi, The display text does not show the text that i entered. Instead it shows "320*240".
12 year 2 2852
Directional close [2]
Hi Steven, Is it possible in the Close module to have a feature that allows the user to close in ei...
11 year 9 2595
dilate bug [2]
Hi STeven The dilate does not seem to work after the treshold is set to fore mask. It only works in...
12 year 3 2987
crop feature [2]
Hi, Is there a way to put the cropped processed image on top of the original image (just the white ...
12 year 3 3037
creating a bounding box over a blob group
Hi STeven, Is there a way to place a bounding box over a group of blobs?...
10 year 3 2496
connecting blob ends
Hi STeven, Is there a way to sharpen the blob ends so that the connect points module can connect th...
10 year 3 2425
Conditional edge detection [2]
Hi STeven, I have a question. For example applying a background removal blacks out some pixels. Ano...
12 year 3 1668
comparing the color of two blobs [2]
Hi STeven, I would like to compare the color of two blobs and determine if they are both of a simil...
12 year 8 2918
Code Laboratories Playstation Eye [2]
Hi Steven, I managed to only get a frame rate of 60fps with this camera using the provided module. ...
11 year 4 1964
Cluster points testing [2]
Hi STeven, In the attached example, there is a cluster point that is forming where there is no blob...
12 year 3 2458
Clearing recognition data
Hi, I would be great if there was a feature to clear the recognition data of the avm.dat file inste...
10 year 2 2723

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