input bounding box data to avm
Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts]
11 year

Is it possible to send the bounding box data to avm using the vb script module so that the initialization of the learning function for object recognition can be automated?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

Have a look at


which a similar request was made.

Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts] 11 year

That's great. Thanks.
Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts] 11 year
Hi STeven,

Yes it works great. I would also like to be able to stop tracking and clear tracking data by resetting a variable. Could this be done?
EDV  [328 posts] 11 year
Use NV_TRACKING_DEPTH variable for object tracking managing:

You can find out more features about AVM Navigator here:

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