34 posts
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Waiting for a new image [2]
hi! in roborealm API functions,the function "Waiting for a new image" have not any timeout variable.
15 year 3 2258
triangle direction [2]
hi! how can i find a triangle direction using RR? ...
15 year 5 4950
time module [2]
hi! RR havnt a a time module! it show time  of ruuning commands,but it can not show time o...
15 year 4 3799
RR is not free! [2]
oh my god! "A 30 day free trial of RoboRealm v2.1.1.3 is available for download!" i established al...
12 year 21 8148
portable RR [2]
is there any portable version of RR?...
15 year 3 2312
kiosk mode using API [2]
is there any way to access RR options using API module? i want to enable kiosk mode using API. how c...
15 year 2 1963
API end pipe [2]
hi! i use RR API in my C++ program. i need to know when an image processing pipe is finished but i can not find an...
15 year 6 3140
ANGLE array [2]
hi! i have a problem in accessing 'ANGLE' array! i have 5 triangles in my image and i want to extr...
15 year 4 2743
Waiting for a new image [3]
hi! i think a frame count variable is a good aidea for implement this function. but i can not find f...
15 year 3 2258
time module [4]
thanks steven. i need the time of proccenig 1 frame of camera. from grabbing,processing and then grabbing next fra...
15 year 4 3799
Roborealm and MATLAB [12]
hi! i could connect matlab to rr! i will upload this mfile in this forum. the full hel...
16 year 14 11231
Roborealm and MATLAB [13]
hi! the file of pervios post is here! download and follow pervious post! have fun!...
16 year 14 11231
ATMEGA 16 serial communication problem [4]
check your AVR clock to be 16MHZ. consider that ATmega16 can not work in 16MHZ with internal clock and to do that,you have to us...
13 year 5 13108
i think a new module that send a signal,is best way to solve timing problem! it can send a signal to report pipe e...
15 year 7 4020
Multiple object tracking [22]
hi! if i have 5 similar blobs and i want to track them. i can extract all blobs in picture,but they have not sepra...
15 year 26 15115
No Title [4]
oh! u can download labview 8.5 trial version from www.ni.com
15 year 7 4440
API end pipe [4]
thanks for reply! i capture image from a webcam in RR. RR process that imae and then i get data in C++. but i need...
15 year 6 3140
Multiple object tracking [26]
extremely thanks! :D...
15 year 26 15115
Multiple object tracking [24]
ok,i exactly need the first case! "i want to know how the blobs are moving from image to image!" 1...
15 year 26 15115
oh! sorry! this post should not be here! this post is a request for end pipe notifier module!
15 year 7 4020

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