time module mehdi from Iran [32 posts] |
15 year
RR havnt a a time module!
it show time of ruuning commands,but it can not show time of ruuning all of them!
cpu time is a good measure for calculating running time,its a good idea! like C 7 c++.
timt of capturing picture from camera,does not show,its important in processing time!
Anonymous |
15 year
The fps showing at the bottom of the screen is the best measure of processing+camera capture time. If you need just capture time unselect the Run button and then check the FPS. If you need more precise timing let us know.
mehdi from Iran [32 posts] |
15 year
thanks steven.
i need the time of proccenig 1 frame of camera. from grabbing,processing and then grabbing next frame.
a module like "clock()" function in c++.
i also need a frame count variable to show me how many frames are processd until now.it hep me to be sure that i dont process a frame more than one time.
the api function do this,but it consumes about 5000ms to say me that no new frame is available.
the frame count variable can do this.
Anonymous |
15 year
In the same page that mentions IMAGE_COUNT there is a IMAGE_TIME variable that can be used to calculate this.
Your API call would query that variable on a new image and then again for the next. The difference in time will give you this captured and processed image.
However, if your application is using waitImage to 'poll' for if a new image is available I'd first see if you cannot make your application multi-threaded and just wait on waitImage until a new image is ready. But querying for IMAGE_COUNT will allow you to shorten that wait period regardless.