330 posts
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Roborealm suddenly crashes on windows7 [3]
1. Do you use new “Save recognized objects as JPG” option when crash happens? 2. How long RoboRealm application wo...
11 year 10 2767
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [11]
But key image size 80x80 is optimal for object recognition with AVM. Save your current recognition data and try to set 80x80 key...
11 year 10 3210
AVM improvements [3]
Thank you for advices I will think over about it. Can you please tell more details about your robot...
11 year 10 4835
moving dancer [2]
You could use motion detection for such task: ...
10 year 10 2155
AVM object names [9]
In fact the AVM algorithm is not invariance to rotation and you should show the object for memorizing to AVM search tree under d...
11 year 9 3015
AVM object names [4]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.1 from your account link.
11 year 9 3015
AVM object names [6]
Fun with AVM Navigator: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v...
11 year 9 3015
AVM object names [3]
Unfortunately but I can't transmit array of object names from AVM Navigator module through RoboRealm API for plugins (there is ...
11 year 9 3015
Speak Module repeats itself... [10]
It is depend on depth of object tracking (about 40 frames in recognition mode) and when object has disappeared the tracking was ...
13 year 9 4880
AVM [6]
No problem :) Just click "Set key image size (New)" button and answer "No" in the next dialog. Further set the...
11 year 8 2666
AVM [4]
Thank you for your request! I will be thinking over about it and will let you know when new update of AVM Navigator will be done...
11 year 8 2666
AVM [9]
Here is an example of variables settings:...
11 year 8 2666
Interfacing AVM Navigator with ArduPilot APM 2.5 [7]
Yes, you are right. First you should train AVM Navigator on the route before autonomous robot navigation....
11 year 8 2477
for EDV [7]
I am working in this direction (walking mode) but it not so easily to get it: ...
12 year 8 1784
AVM [7]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.1 from your account link.
11 year 8 2666
Detecting black and white circles [5]
For AVM algorithm black and white circles are different objects. It indicated as "c_b" and "c_w" in demonstration video abov...
13 year 8 5742
Interfacing AVM Navigator with ArduPilot APM 2.5 [5]
No, does it not need. AVM Navigator needs only in video from robot camera for navigation.
11 year 8 2477
for EDV [4]
I prepared simple video tutorial "Route training and navigation by map": ...
12 year 8 1784
AVM Navigator input sources [8]
I think you should use the latest version of AVM Navigator v0.7.4 for testing. >> Hi, how do ...
12 year 8 2251
Detecting black and white circles [3]
You can also try to use AVM Navigator for recognition: ...
13 year 8 5742

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