Detecting black and white circles
14 year

I need to detect black and white circles in the image. I need to seperate them to make the camera know, whether there is a white circle or a black circle. I uploaded my program, but I think it could be better and easier. Can someone help me with this?



EDV  [328 posts] 14 year
You can also try to use AVM Navigator for recognition:

See: http://www.roborealm.com/help/AVM_Navigator.php
Anonymous 14 year
Thanks for the answer. Does the AVM Navigator differentiate between white and black circles or does he recognize just the circles in the environment?

EDV  [328 posts] 14 year
For AVM algorithm black and white circles are different objects. It indicated as "c_b" and "c_w" in demonstration video above.
Anonymous 14 year
yes. you are right. Sorry, didn't see it. Thank you.
Anonymous 14 year

See the attached ...

EDV  [328 posts] 14 year
I see much imposter (erroneous) recognition when marker is not presented in eyeshot. But this technique may be also convenient for topic starter.
Anonymous 14 year
Thank you Steven. This seems to be the best solution.

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