330 posts
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Missile Launcher Tracking [16]
>> Thanks, I'll play around with it. So AVM Navigator is loaded when you load the vbscript right?
12 year 19 3244
Face Matching [16]
You should provide more information for analyzing regarding your situation that will help to understand it:
12 year 19 9694
Face Matching [6]
You also can use AVM Navigator as tool for learning of objects with further exporting of AVM object data to "Library AVM SDK si...
12 year 19 9694
Missile Launcher Tracking [14]
>> I'll load it up and try it. Which reminds me, where exactly do I load VBscript? First you...
12 year 19 3244
Face Matching [13]
>> is there any relation between key image size and interest area. i know key image size should be smaller than interest a...
12 year 19 9694
Face Matching [5]
You can use RoboRealm API ( http://www.roborealm.com/d...
12 year 19 9694
Missile Launcher Tracking [12]
However let's try another variant of VBScript program: ' Set the turret control variables
12 year 19 3244
Face Matching [3]
It is easy. You should just use "Object recognition mode" in AVM Navigator module. First clear the AVM search tr...
12 year 19 9694
Face Matching [11]
But how it differs from exporting of AVM object data as: "AVM Navigator" -> avm.dat -> RcgExample2.exe that I mentioned ...
12 year 19 9694
Missile Launcher Tracking [10]
The AVM Navigator is an additional module that is distributed along with RoboRealm: ...
12 year 19 3244
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [4]
The RoboRealm application with AVM Navigator module was running only on local NetTop computer that was set on my robot:
12 year 18 5491
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [14]
The AVM Navigator is an additional module that is distributed along with RoboRealm and you can download it from your account lin...
12 year 18 5491
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [2]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.3 from your account link.
12 year 18 5491
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [18]
It is clear that we need to adjust the AVM Navigator control signals with your hardware. So, the first step that I...
12 year 18 5491
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [12]
Mel, We could go further with your "Roomba robot" navigation some day when it will be convenient ...
12 year 18 5491
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [11]
If it works not properly then you should try to find out range of your "Servo pin 3", "Analog Output pin 5", "Analog Output...
12 year 18 5491
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [10]
Raj, What if you try to use NV_L_MOTOR_128, NV_R_MOTOR_128, NV_TURRET_128 variables instead your VB...
12 year 18 5491
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [7]
* Connect your robot to AVM Navigator Just use the variables that described below for connection of...
12 year 18 5491
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [5]
Yet another video from user whose robot has extremely high turn speed but AVM Navigator module could control robot navigation ev...
12 year 18 5491
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [19]
Here is yet another example of successful navigation on the robot with router DIR-320 that was used as the gate for connection o...
12 year 18 5491

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