186 posts
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No Title [2]
Roland, We did some testing and while it is possible to get the pipeline up to 200fps its not very ...
1 year 2 910
No Title [2]
Hi, It seems like the IF Statement is working correctly since the right of the pipeline is not show...
1 year 2 923
license recovery [2]
Roland, I just emailed you with a list. Let me know which one you need to remove.
2 year 2 1225
height measurement [2]
Amir, If you add the Geometric_Statistics module that will give you a bunch of information about yo...
8 year 2 1734
NewPipeline() and the API [2]
Sarah, Thanks for mentioning this. It has been fixed in the most recent version.
8 year 2 1736
Why roborealm not processing one row of pixels of image? [2]
Aman, The pipeline will terminate if it sees the image size get below 4 pixels in either direction....
8 year 2 1736
Prompting on screen with Beep sound [2]
Jahee, An easy way to do this is to use the Latch selection in the if_statement module. That will e...
8 year 2 1746
Basler USB3 camera setup [2]
You have two options: DirectX - check if you can download the DirectX (DirectInput) drivers for the...
3 year 3 1765
Cameras [2]
Please see FAQ #30 (just added) at h...
9 year 2 1792
RoboRealm API Set_Camera_Properties [2]
Joshua, The missing posts were an issue on our side that should have been corrected. Let me know if...
8 year 2 1794
Micro Maestro USB Servo Controller [4]
Great to hear you got things working! Thanks for the tip! STeven....
8 year 4 1797
Micro Maestro USB Servo Controller [2]
Check fist using Pololu's own applications that the servo works. That ensures that they didn't just update the protocol without ...
8 year 4 1797
Openni [2]
Dave, Yes, you can implement that with the Math module. Select "Show RGB and Save Depth as Marker" ...
9 year 3 1805
Roborealm [2]
Jonathan, While it is possible to do its a bit tricky to generate straight G-code. I've attached a ...
8 year 2 1808
Number recognition [2]
Lucky, You will have to use very sharp lighting from the sides to highlight those particular number...
8 year 2 1815
API Server Enabled settings [2]
Joshua, That functionality still appears to work correctly in .30. What I imagine has happened is t...
8 year 2 1845
Setting array variable problem [2]
Kresimir, The SetArrayVariable will expect a 1 dimensional array (i.e. a list of numbers). You are ...
8 year 2 1847
Matching Alpha Numerics with ASCII [2]
Arnie, Try the attached. Couple fixes: 1. The recognized words expect ...
8 year 2 1869
Matching Alpha Numerics with ASCII [0]
Arnie, Try the attached. Couple fixes: 1. The recognized words expect ...
8 year 2 1869
Failing to set image/get variables [2]
Josh, Can you post what code you are using the SetBitmap function in? I.e. we'd need to know how yo...
8 year 2 1886

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