
Max Filter

The Maximum filter enhances bright values in the image by increasing its area. Similar to a dilate function each 3x3 (or other window size) is processed for the brightest surrounding pixel. That brightest pixel then becomes the new pixel value at the center of the window.

For example, given the grayscale 3x3 pixel neighborhood;

22 77 48
150 77 158
0 77 219

The center pixel would be changed from 77 to 219 as it is the brightest pixel within the current window.



1. Direction - Select which axis you want the max filter to operate on

2. Size - Select the window size of the max filter

3. Color/Grayscale - Select if all colors should be considered or if just the Green channel is to be used. Using a single channel provides quicker processing.


SourceMax Filter

See Also

Min Filter
Midpoint Filter

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