
Display Line

The Display Line module provides a way to draw lines based on line coordinates.



1. Color - Select the appropriate line color.

2. Thickness - Select how thick the line should be.

3. Display as Annotation - Select if you want the graphic to be draw after all processing has been completed. If this is NOT selected then the next module in the processing pipeline will see the graphic as if it were part of the image and process it accordingly.

4. Data Source - Select where the line coordinates should be taken from.

Static - specify the integer coordinates for the line
Variable - specify the 4 variables that contain the start and stop point of the line
List - specify the variable that contains a list of coordinates that specify lines. The format of the variable should be x,y,xx,yy for each line to be drawn.

5. Clear current image - Select to clear the current image and draw the graphics on a black image.


Display Line

Click here to load the configuration used to draw the above graphic using laser light! Be sure that the room is somewhat dark otherwise you will get sudden unexpected lines drawn in the screen. To reset and start a new drawing double click on the last module (MATH), select the first image as Current (the image will clear) and then set it back to Last. You can then begin drawing again.

See Also

Display Arrow
Display Point
Display Image

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